15 Ideas To Live A Simpler And Happier Lifestyle
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15 Ideas To Live A Simpler And Happier Lifestyle

Yes does not exist. Only HELL YEA! and no do.

15 Ideas To Live A Simpler And Happier Lifestyle
Jared Rice

Studies show that less cluttered lives bring more happiness to people who eliminate unnecessary distractions. People in today's society are always so "busy" with homes to care for, jobs to pursue, and families to nurture. We work a job we don't really like so we can pay for the things we don't really need to show off to people we don't really want to be around that we have a life they don't really care about. Who do you know who slaves away for 40+ hours each week to pay for the oversized house and expensive car to house their growing family? Who out there buys the latest tech gadgets to show off to their friends but doesn't get to play with them because they're always working? Raise your hand if you look around at all the stuff in your house and feel stressed out because you spent so much money on everything and you're not even using that stuff for what it's worth.

Well, here are some simple ways to get rid of unimportant things in your life, add what's necessary to your life, and stop caring about what other people think about your lifestyle.

1. It's either HELL YEA! or no.

No more bland "yes" answers to anything. Either you're super excited about going somewhere or doing something or you're not. If a girlfriend asks if you want to have dinner with her and her arrogant boyfriend but you'd rather stay home and read a good book, say no. If a friend asks if you want to take a kickboxing class (which is on your bucket list), say HELL YEA! If you're not interested or if it's not moving your life in a meaningful direction, just say no.

2. Read one book per week.

Turn the TV off for a change and fill your brain with a better story. TV (and cell phones) fill your brain with a lot of useless information and opinions that have no effect on your life. Books tell incredible stories with unending details and emotions. Have you ever read a book then watched the movie and been disappointed because so much was left out? It's incredibly difficult to put a novel-full of details in a 2-hour movie. Reading the words on paper gives you a deeper feeling from the characters.

3. Write in a journal for 5 minutes each day.

Even it's just a sentence or two about what made you happy today or what made you sad. Getting your feelings out on paper releases you of your worries. Seeing your happiness and gratefulness in writing reminds you that your joy is solid. And 5 minutes is such an insignificant amount of time.

4. Spend your life with your best friend.

Even if you're not looking to get married. (Some say it's just a piece of paper...) At least live with them. Romantically or platonically, if you have someone to care for and support, you're more likely to work harder, be more successful at your job, and enjoy being home more. Studies have proved this! Knowing you need to work to support a significant other gives people motivation to go for the promotion. Knowing you're going home to your best friend each day gives people something to look forward to.

5. Make a bucket list and actively check it off.

Design your life around these ambitions. NOT vice versa. Begin with the end in mind. What stories do you want to tell when you're old? Make those stories happen. Start with a few items each year. Set some dates and plan a budget. Go skydiving. Take a road trip. Don't pick and choose your bucket list based on when you have time. Make time. Take your life in the direction YOU want to go.

6. No internet for 24 hours each week.

Once each week. 24 hours without email, social media, binge-watching episodes, etc. Instead, talk to people, read a book, go for a walk. You'll feel more connected to your world when you disconnect from the internet. (Pun definitely intended.)

7. Stop consuming news and media.

The media inflates stories to gain viewers. Simple as that. Over-dramatizing the most mundane events is not something you need in your life. If it directly affects you, you will find out about it eventually. And you will have your chance to act upon it as you wish. Until then, turn the news off and relax.

8. Do something that terrifies you every day.

You only have to be brave for 20 seconds of each day. The rest of the time you can be as nervous as you like. 20 seconds out of every 24 hours is only 0.02314814814814815 % of the day! That's it! That little bit of time to overcome a fear. Ask that question. Propose that idea. Make that phone call (It's only the dentist, after all...)! After those 20 seconds, you may realize your fear wasn't really a fear, to begin with!

9. Rise early.

Get up before the sun rises. Watch it peak over the horizon. See how many everyday tasks you can complete before it's completely risen. You'll feel so much more accomplished when you get to sit with a peaceful cup of coffee and watch the sun come up with dishes done or laundry in the washer or your bedroom organized.

10. Get rid of unused possessions.

Take a look at all the things in your home that you haven't touched in six months or a year. Sort through your closet and point out all the clothes you haven't worn in a year. Throwing away or donating unnecessary material objects will make you feel less cluttered. If you're like me, you get stressed out because you have all these objects that just collect dust and you feel guilty for spending money on them and not using them. A minimalist lifestyle creates a sense of peace and ease.

11. Do what is right. Let the consequences happen.

Let's say there's some drama going on between friends. Two friends want you to choose sides. If you side with one friend - you play into a lie but keep the friend. If you side with the other friend - you stay true to your morals but lose the other friend. What should you do? Stay true to your morals. If the other friend truly understands how you feel, s/he will come to terms and stay friends. Always do what's right.

12. Wait at least an hour after waking up to check social media.

A lot of us these days have our phones right next to our bed. As soon as the alarm goes off we check email, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. As we're getting dressed we check Facebook again. Gotta see what people are up to this morning. On our way to class, we check Twitter. What funny things are going on this morning? Sitting in the classroom, waiting for the professor to arrive, we check Instagram again. Sarah posted an awesome Starbucks pic! Like! ...This goes on all day until the moment we go to sleep. Studies show that if we wait at least an hour (90 minutes is even better) to check our email and social accounts, we're less likely to check continuously throughout the day.

13. Don't try to please everybody.

Do things for yourself. Despite wishful thinking, you can't split yourself into quarters or clone yourself. You can't go to dinner with every friend or go to every party every night. No matter how much they whine and complain, tell your friends/family no, you can't come over immediately - you want some time to yourself.

14. Have multiple incomes.

College is crazy busy - that's for sure. But there are ways to earn a small backup income without physically going to an establishment for hours each day. Let's look at freelance editing: spend a little time editing essays, resume, blog posts, etc online for a few bucks without leaving your home. Edit as much or as little as you have time for. Add this income to a seasonal retail income, for example, and you have a little extra backup cash for those broke days.

15. Make one bold request each week.

What's the worst that could happen? An answer of "no." What if you get a baller job interview but they don't offer as much money as you were hoping? Take a deep breath and ask for a higher wage. If you don't ask, the answer will be a resounding "no." If you take the risk and ask, the worst that could happen is a "no," but at least you tried! It only took 20 seconds of pure bravery (hint, hint number eight) to aim for a more fullfilling life!

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