Bad drivers are everywhere you turn. You'll catch people on their phone, swerving back and forth between lanes, pulling out in front of you, etc. I could write about all of the stupid things people do while driving, but I'm afraid that article would never end. So here's a few annoying things that people do specifically while they're driving on the highway:
1. Drive slow in the passing line.
Or just driving in the passing lane for fun. It’s called the ‘passing’ lane for a reason!
2. Drive the same speed as the person next to them on a two lane highway.
Preventing you from getting around and causing a traffic build-up.
3. Slow down to 10 mph under the speed limit when seeing a cop.
Isn’t that a little more suspicious than if you’re going five over?
4. Pass you and then slow down once they’re in front of you.
Right because that makes a lot of sense.
5. When trucks take 5 minutes to pass each other.
OK maybe it’s more like one minute but it sure feels like five.
6. Talk/text on their phone and don’t pay attention to the road.
This one is pretty self explanatory. Just don’t do it.
7. Don’t use their turn signal when switching lanes.
Sure you can swerve right in front of me without a warning. I love that!
8. Jump multiple lanes at a time.
First of all, this is illegal. Second of all, it’s just plain annoying.
9. Try to fit into the half-car-length space between you and the person in front of you.
Thank you, now I have to slam on my breaks to let you in all because you couldn’t be patient and wait for me to pass.
10. Tailgate you but then don’t pass you when you get over to let them.
If you’re going to ride my butt, I’m going to assume you want to pass me. So when I get over, please don’t continue to follow two feet behind me.
11. Try to pass you on the right when you’re in a line of traffic already trying to pass someone else.
I always wonder, “Where do you think you’re going to go?”
12. Rush to the front and try to squeeze ahead of everyone else when there’s a closed lane ahead.
You, my friend, are the driver that everyone else hates.
13. Then there’s the idiot who actually let them in.
And you are not much better.
14. Speed up and slow down so that you end up passing them 5+ times all while you have your cruise control on.
I’ll never understand how some people can be so inconsistent with their driving.
15. Creep over your already-tight lane in construction zones.
Yes, I understand that it’s a tight squeeze and you barely have room, but neither do I and you are making it much worse.