It's part of human nature to enjoy being identified. Personality tests can be found all over the internet, and whether it's a Harry Potter house, a zodiac sign, or a Myers-Briggs type, we've all got something we like to classify ourselves with.
Every once in a while, though, there's a rare form of person that doesn't necessarily fit into a black-and-white type, and I consider myself to be one of those people.
I'm outgoing, in some ways, but then not so much in others. I really, really enjoy just staying at home by myself (doing things like writing articles), but my fear of missing out leads me to do "fun" things most nights, or at least to go to places like the library where lots of people are around.
I believe that at heart, I'm an introvert, but for some reason, I'll always try to be an extrovert. If you're anything like me, you'll know these things all too well:
1. Signing up for things to meet new people, and then sticking with that one friend you already knew.
2. Forcing yourself to go places and then spending the entire time standing awkwardly at the snacks table.
3. Being very skilled at pretending to be using your phone.
4. Enjoying wearing sunglasses for avoiding awkward eye contact.
5. People being shocked at how awkward you are after a polished first impression.
6. Going to a new, exciting restaurant and ordering something like chicken fingers.
7. Being more comfortable talking to strangers than people you're slightly acquainted with.
8. You've got a constant internal monologue running.
9. Going to a social gathering and spending more time with pets than people.
10. Constant fear of missing out.
11. Seeming to be outgoing, but actually super hard to get to know.
12. Constantly overestimating your people skills.
13. Mastering the art of the escape.
14. Enjoying the little things in life.