I've heard the argument often, which is better: High school or college? Sure, each levels of schooling and your life around those times have their own pros and cons, but c'mon, let's get real. College is, and always will be, better than high school.
1. You get to do whatever you want.
Seriously. Whatever. You. Want. You get to pick where you live, where your next meal comes from, which classes you want to take, what you want to do with your life, if you want to go out on a Tuesday night or dye your whole head lime green. You are now independent and free to do whatever you please (FYI: Beware because life does have consequences sometimes, but if you don't mind, then go crazy). No one is making you take physics even though science makes you feel ill. You're in control of your life!
2. New people!
Chances are, throughout your entire life you went to school in the same town with the same people from ages 5 to 18. Want to shake things up a bit? Why not go to college! College is a totally new world and atmosphere! There are so many people on campus that have no idea who you are and you don't know them either. College is the perfect place for new friendships and adventures with new people.
3. No curfew!
Especially if you live on campus. You are free to do whatever you want, at whatever hour of the night. Your parents aren't making you come home from that party at midnight or demanding the car be back in the driveway no later than 11:59 p.m. You can breathe easy knowing you can hit up the club and Taco Bell and that house party all in one night and not get punished for coming back home at 4 a.m.!
4. You can take classes that actually interest you.
You don't have to take tons of difficult core classes that you hate. Every major requires a minimum number of core credits, but at least it's only one or two semesters of that awful math class, and many more of those creative writing and theatre classes you've been longing to take. The beauty of college and having a major is that you get to do what you want to do!
5. No permission is needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of class.
One of my first college classes, a student rose their hand to ask to use the bathroom and the professor actually got mad at them for doing that. Isn't it beautiful not having to be granted permission to pee?!
6. Any time of the day can be nap time!
Instead of waiting all day to go home and crash in bed, typically your bed is a mere 10-minute walk away for when your classes are over in the afternoon. Or mid-morning. Or after dinner. Naps are highly encouraged in college as well, and no one will even judge you if you pass out in the library. (Someone might take a picture, though.)
7. So. Much. Free. Stuff.
Welcome week? Free planners and water bottles. Football game later that evening? Hot dogs and chips by the union. International festival? Delicious foods from all over the world are free! My entire wardrobe is also just a collection of my school's t-shirts from going to events like pep rallies or freshman orientation. Free things are even better when you're a broke college kid.
8. The food is better.
OK, I don't know about you, but my college doesn't serve up gourmet food every meal. However, the endless amounts of chicken parmesan I can eat and the surplus of muffins I can sneak out in my bag just by swiping my ID in a dining hall sure as hell beats grease soaked pizza on Friday afternoons.
Something about not having small metal boxes with doors hold my every possession during the day makes me feel like an actual adult, know?
10. School doesn't last entirely from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day.
You actually get breaks, if you schedule carefully. That means more time to do homework, study, eat and of course, nap.
11. Your best friends are two minutes away down the hall in your dorm.
In high school, if you needed to cry over an exam or stay up all night talking to friends, you had to go at least 20 minutes out of your way to their house. Now you walk three doors over and you can have an instant sleepover!
12. So is that really cute guy from your bio lab!
*hair flip*
13. You don't have to go to class.
I am not advocating skipping every class. No. You're paying thousands of dollars for this education, make the most of it. On the other hand, if you feel like laying in bed with a pizza all day on a Monday, you can use a free day and only miss a few points. Hey, college kids need mental days off too!
14. Game days are better.
Not even the biggest pep rally your high school had senior year compares to the thrill and excitement of football Saturdays on campus. From the tailgates, to the packed stadium, students beaming with pride and red solo cup pictures...it doesn't get much better than that!