13 Reasons Why, 13 Reasons Why is So Important
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13 Reasons Why, 13 Reasons Why is So Important

It isn't here to show a happy ever after--this is raw.

13 Reasons Why, 13 Reasons Why is So Important

If you haven't been living under a rock for the past month then most likely you've at least heard of the new Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why. The show depicts the main character, Hannah Baker, and her story on why she committed suicide. There has been a lot of criticism surrounding the show because it not only romanticizes suicide but, it also shows graphic depictions of her suicide and also sexual assault. However, despite all the talk about why it is so terrible and should've never been aired there is a large importance to why we need to be talking about this.

1. It's honest.

To put it simply at least, 13 Reasons Why is the most honest and real depiction of what living with depression is like. This is so important in today's society because television is one of the main media outlets, and also one of the main proxies for the pandora's box of mental illness. By putting this honest showings of depression on television it opens up a conversation to talk about how to help those who are struggling.

2. It's relevant

There are a lot of scenes in this series that show how technology and social media can affect teens. For instance, the scene where Hannah leaves the bag of her parent's money on the top of her car all because she had to check her phone. Not to mention, mental illness is being talked about and destigmatized more and more lately and this show is another step towards abolishing the stigma all together.

3. It's controversial

13 Reasons Why is not your average piece of media that glosses over suicide and has a happy ending where everyone turns out okay. It's time we stop trying to tell people that everyone struggling with depression will make it out alive because that's not true. Suicide is real and deserves an accurate depiction to show just how disturbing it is. The show doesn't romanticize suicide, it is real and raw and that's everything people need to see.

4. It's one of the first of its kind

Again, the rawness and reality of how it shows suicide is so important. There are so many shows now that end with the suicidal character being saved by the love of their life and ending up okay. However, it's not someone else who can save you, you have to save yourself. Hannah's struggle to know how to save herself shows just how important it is to practice self-love and not rely on others to make you happy.

5. It's educational

13 Reasons Why shows its viewers just what depression is like. It shows the loneliness and sadness that other movies and tv shows just don't spend time showing. It let's its viewers see how suicide affects people, not just the victim.

6. It shows the reality of suicide

Suicide is not glamorous or easy. This show depicts the raw reality of suicide in the fact that it shows how Hannah does it and what she is thinking before. It shows her second thinking it but, she gets pushed over the edge which is often the case..

7. It shows how little things can affect people

If you were to watch only one episode of 13 Reasons Why you would think "that's such a little thing why would she commit suicide because of that?" However, the show threads all of these reason together to show how cohesive suicide is. Hannah did not commit suicide just because of one of their actions however because of the wholeness of it all.

8. It's not superficial

The show doesn't tread lightly around depression and suicide. It is real. I cannot emphasise enough how important it is that we pay attention to the fact that we pay attention to how graphic it is. There are graphic scenes of sexual assault that we need to pay attention to. It's important to realize that not only does sexual assault happen but it can happen to teens as young as Hannah, it isn't only an adult thing.

9. It shows the snowball effect of our actions

The episodes of the show are fragmented in that if you watch only one episode you wouldn't understand just exactly why Hannah committed suicide. However, all the previous actions she describes pile on top of each other and that is what is the demise of her mental health. Hannah does not catch a break from all the things that are not going her way and that leads to her decision.

10. It shows the rawness of what adolescence can be like

One's teenage years are not fun, plain and simple. Often times, people are so cruel to you and whether it stems from jealousy or just pure pettiness these things take a serious toll on a person. For Hannah, she moved to a new town and she didn't have many friends and a strong social life is a key part to surviving adolescence. Because Hannah did not have that support group it made her teen years even harder.

11. It opens up discussion

This show opens up talk for suicide. We need not be silent anymore about depression and suicide. This is a subject that needs to be talked about and it needs to be show in the raw and gory reality for what it is. This show has already opened up the discussion about suicide on online platforms. The talking shouldn't stop here though. Parents should talk to their kids and kids should talk to their friends. We need to talk to each other because that is how we learn.

12. It shows the reality of sexual violence

There are two characters who are victims of rape. This show shows how it affects them after. Some are in denial and some are convinced they provided consent. The reality of sexual assault is not the victim is strong enough to report it and the rapist gets what they deserve. The reality is silence, on both ends. Again, it opens up discussion for us to talk to each other in hopes that sexual assault becomes less and less of a topic that we feel we cannot talk about.

13. It's not there to prevent suicide

13 Reasons Why is facing a lot of controversy because people are under the impression that it was made to prevent suicide. However, they are missing the message because it is here to show the reality of suicide. Along the way a by-product of this rawness would hopefully scare anyone who is struggling and let them know they can ask for help. But, the reality is that a lot of people are afraid to admit they are suicidal or are struggling with depression and often remain silent. The show is there to show what people actually go through, not to perpetuate it but to show the reality.

If you or someone you know may be struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts please visit this page from the Crisis Textline to learn more Suicidal Thoughts FAQ

If you or someone you know needs support please call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text “HOME” to 741-741

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