It's the season, everyone. That season where the majority of people are thinking, “Better workout cause it's bikini season.” Then everyone goes to the gym for like a week and decides, “Eh curves are in. If Kim Kardashian can have a fat butt, so can I.” Here of the types of people you may encounter at the gym when everyone is on that summer fitness high.
1. Those people that think they are above you, when in actuality they are doing the elliptical backwards.
But I mean confidence is all that matters right?
2. That one pack of white boys in cut tank tops that hang around the weights, but don't actually lift and just take mirror selfies.
Sadly, the age can range anywhere from 12 to 80. Also if you watch long enough you can see one attempt to lift a barbell and drop it (while his friend takes a Snapchat of it, of course).
3. The die-hard's.
I'm talking about the people that muscle flex when they breathe. One must question if it is healthy to be flexing that much for that long period of a time. They usually communicate with others in a series of grunts. Like, we get it. You work out pretty hard.
4. The girls in the sorority tank tops with the spray tan, that walk on the treadmill.
"Omg, why would anyone come to the gym to work out? Also, are my calves getting too fat?"
5. Those people that for some ungodly reason take so long on the weight machines.
Honey, if you are going to take 45 minutes to do crunches, you might as well take the machine home with you.
6. The "I've never been to the gym in my life, but I want to try it" group.
Poor babies, you can catch them tripping on the treadmill, or doing leg lifts on the ab machine. My personal favorite is the group that wears sweatbands as belts.
7. The D1 kids decked out in spirit wear.
Wow, I wasn't able to tell you play LAX at Penn State from your lanyard, shoes, shirt, pants, hat, backpack, phone case, tattoo, blue hair, and mini cougar.
8. The "Oh my god, it's been forever since I've stepped foot into the gym, but now I have to go because I'm out of shape" group.
You can spot them drowning in a sea of their own sweat and hyperventilating while stretching in the corner. If you see one on the ground, do not be afraid to poke them to see if they're still breathing.
9. The Fitness Bloggers.
Can you please take your perfect abs, Lululemon attire and quinoa grass strawberry mulch smoothies and not be on the treadmill next to me?
10. The Art School Kids.
These kids should get a gold medal. They somehow find it manageable to run on the treadmill while wearing more eyeliner than one could think is possible, black skinny jeans, tails, and 8 piercings. You may think we're judging, but we're actually silently impressed.
11. The old women in Zumba that dance to their own beat.
If you didn't hear the music you would think they were dancing to a slow smooth jazz song.
12. The Snapchatters.
Did you really go to the gym if you didn't Snapchat a blurry pic of you running on the treadmill? Do you even lift bro?
You know who you are.
13. The overly peppy employee
Their smiles say "Welcome," but their eyes say "I'll enjoy watching you die."
14. The old men that check you out.
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize drowning in my own sweat while wheezing doing bench presses was attractive to you.
15. The Gym Couples
Usually they both look like supermodels and somehow manage to do ridiculous workouts and come out glowing and smelling like lavender breeze.
Hopefully this made you more aware of all the people you can meet at the gym! (Whether you want to or not)
But let's be real here...