1. It's OK to be emotional while saying goodbye to your family.
You've lived with them your entire life, it's okay to let the tears roll during that farewell hug.
2. Remember that your studies come first.
There are many new distractions and responsibilities for you now, but you have to keep your priorities in order.
3. Don't let your new friends belittle you for still having friends back home.
After all, they were your chosen family for the past four years of high school.
4. ALWAYS wear your shower shoes!
Trust me, you need them.
5. It's good to stay in.
Sometimes you need those weekend Netflix marathons instead of going out. It's okay to stay behind and have a quiet night to yourself.
6. Call your parents.
They miss you more than you think.
7. It's not the end of the world if you miss a frat party.
There will be plenty more to attend through the next four years.
8. It's OK if you don't do well on one test.
Don't beat yourself up over it, you tried your best.
9. Take lots of pictures.
You're going to want to document the nights you won't remember with the friends you won't forget.
10. Syllabus day is the MOST important!
Your syllabus will be your guideline for the entire semester; do not miss this day no matter what!
11. Bring that winter jacket that makes you look like the Michelin Man.
It's okay to look like a giant marshmallow. You're going to need it while venturing out during those winter months.
12. Be yourself and have fun.
These will be the best four years of your life.