If you are anything like me, then your life revolves around Facebook. Any juicy gossip and a cute selfie you've worked hard to take get's posted. It is the largest platform for communication and even marketing. However, what would life be like if Facebook suddenly got shut down forever? It can happen.
1. We'd forget most of our friends birthday's.
How many of us actually only remember our friends birthday's because of Facebook's birthday reminder? I only remember a handful of friends birthday's. Thanks to Facebook's friendly alert, I can send a cute message to a friend on his or her birthday. A friendship saver.
2. Party planning would be immensely harder.
Facebook allows us to create a group event and just makes it possible to invite all our friends to the event. It saves money and time. Facebook saves us the trouble.
3. We would not be up to date to with current news.
How many of us wake up and watch the news? Not I. However, thanks to Facebook I am allowed to keep up with what's going on in the world. Truthfully speaking, I found out about celebrity deaths and unfortunately, world tragedies through Facebook. Without Facebook, most of us would be ignorant to the world.
4. We'd get somewhat of our privacy back.
We do not realize it. However, Facebook strips us of our privacy significantly. We check in allowing people to know exactly where we are. Facebook locations additionally gives the person you are messaging your exact location. Stalker much?
5. We would not see those funny videos and memes anymore.
What a sad day for all. Do this one even need an explanation?
6. Friendships would fail.
The only reason why some of my friendships are still going is that I am allowed to be up to date with their lives. If Facebook were to disappear suddenly just off the world wide web, then I'd struggle to keep in contact with tons of friends who've moved and are just too busy to see me.
7. Many businesses would lose their biggest advertising platform.
When companies share their contents on Facebook, they are broadcasting to millions of people. It helps these businesses grow.
8. Students will fail.
I've passed classes because I was able to connect with other peers in my class. We created Facebook group chats and struggled together on an assignment.
9. Makings friends would be harder.
If you're an introvert like me, than making friends is harder. Social anxiety is real and Facebook eases it. It allows me to comfortably get to know somebody before we actually meet.
10. Everyone wouldn't be able to see your photos from important events.
You ever have those family members that want to see your graduation photos and prom pictures? Facebook makes it easier to share photos with family members and friends.
11. Contacting someone would be harder.
Just because we're in the generation where there are smartphones and texting, it is still hard to contact someone. I've had incidents where I'd shoot my friend a text and she would take years to reply. I direct message her on Facebook and she responds in a blink of an eye.
12. We would lose our favorite pastime.
I don't know about you, but when I'm waiting super long for something, Facebook takes my mind off how long it took. It's my favorite pastime, that is, if you have an interesting news feed.
Believe it or not, Facebook is a vital part of our lives. Facebook can affect our lives positively or negatively, it is all according to how we use it. There are five important things we need to survive: food, water, oxygen, money and Facebook.