Now that both John Kasich andTed Cruz have dropped their bids for the Republican Party nomination, Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee (translation: barring a miracle, Trump is going to be the Republican Party candidate). In case you're anything like most Americans and are not sure about the potential Democratic Party candidates either, I would like to propose a write-in solution. In honor of May the 4th, here are 12 reasons why I think Obi-Wan Kenobi would be the best man for the job.
1. Every good leader must first know how to follow.
Obi-Wan had the one and only Qui-Gon Jinn (read: Liam Neeson) as his Jedi Master. It doesn't get much better than that.
2. He's a winner.
He has a proven record of succeeding against all odds.
3. He's not afraid to tackle big challenges.
Four lightsabers to one? No big deal.
4. He's always prepared.
Whether you're a terrorist or his Padawan, it's not easy to catch Obi-Wan off guard.
5. He has great instincts.
Diplomatic negotiations? He might have a bad feeling about those, but he'll get things done anyway.
6. He's very convincing.
The man knows how to get his way.
7. He knows how to deal with our useless Congress.
Seriously. Can you even imagine?
8. He won't get caught up in the mud-slinging.
He could bring the civility we've all been longing for.
9. He can help get our country out of the bind that it's in.
10. He's a mentor to the youth.
Fifty percent of the time, his mentees turn out okay.
11. He's a consistent presence.
He died and still didn't go away.
12. He's ready to do what needs to be done.
But is America ready for him?
Bonus Reason:
Vote Kenobi, or Trump could be our next President.