12 Myths About Canada You Should Stop Believing
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12 Myths About Canada You Should Stop Believing


12 Myths About Canada You Should Stop Believing

When you hear the word ā€œCanadiansā€, whatā€™s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you picture Canadians as anti-gun hippies born with hockey skates and a bottle of maple syrup in their hand? Does reading the word ā€œCanadaā€ make you feel colder, like the perpetual winters Canada is always in? Well, then you are one of many people who are misinterpreting the USā€™s northern neighbor and the good people who live in it. Here is a list of myths about Canada people need to stop believing:

12. You are Guaranteed to see a Moose or Beaver When You Visit

Unless youā€™re visiting a Canadian zoo, or are camping deep, deep, into a untouched forest, it is unlikely you will see a moose or beaver. Birds, chipmunks, and squirrels are commonplace though. Would that do?

11. Canadians Are Obsessed With Hockey

It is true that hockey is very popular in Canada, but not everyone is obsessed with watching or playing it. There are plenty of other sports Canadians love, like soccer, football, rugby, lacrosse, curling, baseball, and basketball (which was invented by a Canadian).

10. All Canadians Say ā€œā€¦Eh?ā€

There may be some people out there that say ā€œehā€ once in a while, but not every single person in Canada.

9. Health Care Is Completely Free

There is a fair bit covered by Canadaā€™s universal health care, such as check-ups and operations, though not everything is free. Trips to the dentist and alternative health services (like acupuncture and shiatsu therapy) cost money.

8. All Canadians Speak French

Ne pas. Only around 21% of Canadians speak French around the country, leaving over 67% speaking English. Though English and French are not the only languages spoken in the country. In fact, there are over 200 languages spoken in Canada.

7. They Are All So Politeā€¦

Yes, Canadians are much more polite than some other people around the world, but hang around some traffic and youā€™ll learn not everyone is always nice.

6. Celine Dion is Love, Celine Dion is Life

Well, she is pretty awesome but sheā€™s not the only singer Canadians listen to. Iā€™m not sure why people believe that Canadians worship or only listen to Canadian artists. On the radio, people tune into various genres of music by various artists from around the globe.

5. Hail Queen Elizabeth!

First things first, Canada is not some oversees branch of the UK, and Canadians donā€™t hail the British Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, but the prime minister and parliament take care of the nation's business. Just because Canada is loyal to its mother country doesnā€™t mean it is a part of it.

4. Canada Isnā€™t Very Big

No, Canada is HUGE! Itā€™s the second largest country in the world, covering 9,984,670 sq. km. Some people wouldnā€™t believe that it takes more than 10 hours to fly coast to coast and there isn't a direct flight. Canada is massive!

3. Canada is always cold

Actually, Canadaā€™s summers are quite hot. Itā€™s not uncommon for temperatures to reach over 30 degrees Celsius. You could step outside and feel yourself roasting, it can get so hot.

2. Mounties in Red Uniforms, and Riding Horses, Police the Country

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, often called Mounties, is Canada's national police force. When people think of them, they will most probably imagine them sitting atop their horses wearing their red jackets, navy jodhpurs, brown boots and hat. However, it is only for official or ceremonial events that they wear that uniform.

1. Canadians Donā€™t Have Guns

Ha! Canada has loads of guns. In 2014, a consensus was conducted which resulted in Canada being ranked 13th in the world with over 30 guns per 100 residents. The belief that Canadians are part of an anti-gun, hippie society is far off. Donā€™t even think about trying to invade.

These are just some of the stereotypes and myths created about Canada and Canadians. To learn more, visit the articles: "Five Myths About Canadians," and "Nine Stereotypes About Canadians We're Tired of Hearing."

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