I am a proud member of Phi Mu sorority and when talking to my friends and family who are not Greek, I get sideways glances and furrowed brows. I had to realize that our words mean something entirely different when talking about sororities. So here is a little guide for the non-Greek to help get you by.
1. Rush (verb): to move with urgent haste.
Rush (noun): months of preparation and stress and late nights and tears to impress girls with your sorority.
2. Chapter (noun): a main division of a book, treatise, usuallybearinga numberortitle.
Chapter (noun): Your branch of your national sorority, or weekly/monthly meetings, or a room where you hold said meetings.
3. Big (adj.): large, asinsize,height,width,oramount.
Big (noun): your guide to learning things about your sorority. Also, one of the best people you'll ever meet.
Little (adj.): small insize;notbig;notlarge;tiny.
Little (noun): one of the coolest people you'll ever meet who slowly becomes like your child.
4. Letters (noun): awrittenorprintedcommunicationaddressedtoapersonor organizationandusuallytransmittedbymail.
Letters (noun): Fabric sown onto a t-shirt or sweatshirt or clothing piece of your choosing that represents your sorority. (These also make some of the best gifts).
5. Social (adj.): relating to,devotedto,orcharacterizedbyfriendlycompanionshipor relations.
Social (noun): Let's party!
6. Formal (adj.) being inaccordancewiththeusualrequirements,customs,etc. conventional.
Formal (noun): Let's party.... in dresses.
7. Infraction (noun): an incompletefractureofabone.
Infraction (noun): big "no-no's" during recruitment. Your whole chapter can get fined if you violate recruitment rules.
8. Legacy (noun): a giftofproperty,especiallypersonalproperty,asmoney,bywill;abequest.
Legacy (noun): a girl whose mom, aunt, sister or grandmother were a member of the sorority before. So you already know they are awesome without even having to meet them.
9. Nationals (adj.): of, relatingto,ormaintainedbyanationasanorganizedwholeor independentpoliticalunit.
Nationals (noun): the mothership. Headquarters. The place that controls your sorority.
10. Bid (verb): to command;order;direct.
Bid (noun): a highlight of your life. An envelope containing your name and the sorority who invited you to join.
11. Sister (noun): a femaleoffspringhavingbothparentsincommonwithanother offspring;femalesibling.
Sister (noun): girls in your sorority. Awesome people that aren't necessarily related to you. Friends for life. Mentors. Life-changers. Confidants. Someone who roots for you no matter how big or small the battle. Someone who makes you laugh. Someone to cry with. Someone to binge-watch all of Gilmore Girls with you for the 4th time without judgment. Potential bridesmaids.