During my first year at The Ohio State University, I have noticed a couple different personality types. These are eleven basic types of college students.
1. The Bookworm
This person probably has a 4.0 and knows everything that happens in class and making their acquaintance could be very helpful around finals.
2. The Long Distance Relationship
This person spends an abundant amount of time one the phone with their significant other and not much time going out. To each their own, I suppose.
3. The Life of the Party
This person is always down for a night on the town and goes hard no matter what day of the week and is not afraid to drop a ton of money on alcohol.
4. The Health Freak
You can usually find them at the gym every day of the week or at the salad bar of the dining hall.
5. The Player
This person is typically on Tinder and has a new person to hookup with every night. Usually their goal when going out is to bring someone home rather than having a good time.
6. The Person that Spends Time with Their High School Friends
PLEASE BRANCH OUT I BEG OF YOU. This person refuses to make new friends and will only stay within their comfort zone.
7. The Person Obsessed with Politics
They have no problem sharing their opinion whether you want it or not. They will often try to sway you to agree with their opinion and get angry if you don't agree.
8. The High School Sweethearts that are Goals
They are the cutest couple you've ever seen because they've grown up together and manage to still make their relationship grow rather than break up. They might be one of the few couples that don't gross you out because they're more like best friends than a couple at this point.
9. The Person that Knows Literally Everyone
Somehow one person can know thousands of people and you will ever understand how they manage to meet so many people within such a short amount of time and they are usually the most outgoing person you know.
10. The Athlete
They are ALWAYS busy! Being a college athlete is a full time job along with a full schedule it is hard for them to have a lot of spare time but they get a lot of free stuff!
11. The Person who Thinks They're Better Than Everyone
Please stop. This person was probably 'cool' in their small town high school so they think that it translates to being 'cool' in college. However, they are in no way better than the thousands of people at their university.