If you are a science major, you may know what it feels like when your friends, who have different majors, can't relate to the common issues that you face because you study a science. Here is a compilation of 11 relatable issues that no one but science majors will understand.
1. Our schedules are packed with classes.
Chances are, if you ask us to hang out in before 2:30 pm you'll hear a version of: "I'm in class from 8:00 am-2:00 pm, sorry."
2. One word: labs.
Absolutely no one wants to get out of bed to be in class for three hours.
3. The people in your lab group become your best friends by the end of the semester.
No one can replace the bond that you share with you lab partners.
4. You always have a pair of lab goggles in your backpack.
They are basically the equivalent of your security blanket (and they make you look/feel intelligent).
5. But they will always ruin a perfect outfit.
Curse those goggle lines that will distract everyone you talk to. Yes, I know I have lines on my face. Please stop staring at them and look at my new outfit.
6. Mastering (biology, chemistry, etc.) is your worst nightmare.
Nothing puts you into panic mode faster than realizing you have your Mastering (bio, chem, etc.) due in two hours.
7. Syllabus week doesn't apply to you.
Right after the professor hands out the syllabus, they will jump right into the first chapter of notes. What a nice way to say welcome back to classes -- not!
8. You find yourself laughing at science jokes that no one else appreciates.
Come on, they aren't that bad
9. The weekends are not what they used to be.
Instead of partying with your friends, you're found in the library sitting alone drowning in your homework pile.
10. You question yourself every day if studying science is the right choice for you.
You find yourself asking how much longer until it's all done, and when will it get easier? Will there be a day I will go to bed earlier than 12:30 am because of homework?
11. You can't see yourself studying any other subject.
No matter how stressed you get, you wouldn't be as happy if you weren't studying science.