Recently I trekked through an unbelievable amount of snow to begin attending another round of classes at the good ol’ Rider University. Of course, because I constantly have a million things on my plate, I’m already pretty stressed out. I know for a fact I’m not the only one feeling this way around here, so here’s a list of things to do when you’re stressed beyond belief.
1. Take a walk.
Some fresh air will always do you good!
2. Eat a snack.
Brain food is necessary.
3. Listen to your favorite song.
Jamming out solves more problems than you think.
4. Call your mom.
She’ll calm you down for sure.
5. Take a shower.
Hey, you gotta do it anyway.
6. Find someone to laugh with.
It makes all your problems go away for a little while!
7. Eat pizza.
This usually solves about 98 percent of my problems.
8. Sing a song.
Yell it from the rooftops.
9. Dance.
10. Watch a Zac Efron movie.
This one speaks for itself.
11. Smile.
It’ll be fine, don’t you worry.