Growing up as the oldest sibling has never been easy, but it’s been worth it. Growing up with sisters is both a blessing and a curse. Both of my sisters are outspoken, beautiful, incredibly intelligent and two of the most loving and supportive people I know. Because I’m older, I have some words of advice and encouragement for them.
1. I want you to know that I love you so much, and I’m so proud of the young women you’re becoming.
I am beyond excited to watch you as you grow up. I can’t wait to help you deal with the mean girls, the inevitable heart breaks and the nights when you feel alone. I am so thankful that I have two beautiful best friends disguised as sisters. Though you sometimes annoy me so much I could punch you, I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I can deal with you stealing my clothes. I can deal with you stealing my makeup. I can even deal with you being extremely annoying, simply because you are my sisters and I adore you.
2. Not everyone will be your friend.
Sometimes people come into your life just to leave, and that’s OK. Not every best friend you have will be your best friend in a few years. Friends will come and go, and though it will hurt you, it won’t always be so bad. These people aren’t meant to stay, they’re meant to teach you a lesson. They’re meant to show you that you can and you will get through the small things, so keep your head up. That’s why you have me, sweet sisters. I will always be there to help you make sense of things that don’t really make sense. I will always be your shoulder to cry on, your listening ear and the one you can always count on to tell you that everything will be OK, because it will. Always remember that.
3. When you inevitably go through heartbreak, I want you to know that you can always call me.
I don’t care whether it’s late at night or early in the morning, please call me. I will talk you through the pain. I will come get you and we can cry together on the bathroom floor. Sometimes it will hurt so badly that you can’t breathe. I’ll buy your favorite ice cream and tell you my stories of heartbreak. I will hold you through the pain. I will always be there for you, because you’re my sister and the thought of your heart being broken breaks mine.
4. I want you to know that you don’t have to be perfect all the time.
Not every test has to be taken perfectly. Not every problem will ruin your life. You don’t have to smile all the time. It’s OK to be sad sometimes. It’s OK to take a risk every now and then. It’s OK to do something totally crazy with your hair. Life isn’t always serious, I want you to know that. You don’t always have to be happy, but always strive to be your best self. You will thank yourself when you’re older.
5. I want you to know that you are incredibly smart.
You have a beautiful mind. Sometimes you say things that blow me away, because I don’t expect you to have such a complex variety of thoughts. Whenever you feel like you could have done better on a test, you feel like you could have said something smarter to the boy you like or you feel like you’re never good enough, just remember that you blow me away, my intelligent sister. You amaze me every day, always know that.
6. I want you to know that not everyone will be nice to you.
In your lifetime, people will likely be cruel, manipulative, insensitive and all together mean. I want you to know that you are above anything people say or do to you. You are not defined by the words and actions of other people. If the mean girls tease you, I have your back. If a boy leads you on, or hurts your feelings in any way, I will end him. Keep that in mind.
7. I want you to know that even though we don’t live together anymore, I’m still just a call away.
I can’t always drop everything to come see you, but I will always answer your phone calls, even if it’s just to ask me if you can borrow one of my shirts. I will always do my best to be there for you, just because you’re my sister.
8. I want you to know that life will inevitably make you so stressed at some point that you’ll become a human burrito that only emerges from the dark for chicken nuggets, and that’s OK.
Bills will start coming your way, whether it be phone, hospital or insurance – and it will completely ruin any feelings of happiness you have. Life will throw things at you left and right, you just have to learn how to manage it. Whenever this starts to happen, I will do all I can to help you out.
9. I want you to know that it’s OK to ask for help.
Life is hard, and we need all the help we can get. Never be too proud or embarrassed to ask for help now and again. We all understand. Sometimes you’ll be too overwhelmed to get out of bed. Sometimes you’ll be too sad to eat. Always ask someone for help when you feel like you’re drowning. There is nothing wrong with needing help. I want you to succeed in life, and sometimes that means depending on others, whether you like it or not.
10. I want you to know that I am your biggest cheerleader.
Whether you see me or not, I will always be cheering you on. If you want to join a new club, date a new guy (or girl) or even color your hair purple, I am behind you completely. I love to know about your accomplishments. I want you to excel in life, and I want to see you happy while you do it.
11. I want you to know that you are insanely beautiful.
Inside and out, you are perfect. Do not let anyone ever tell you different. Wear whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Wear sweats in public. Be comfortable in your own skin. Remember to smile, because your smile is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
There are many things I want you to know and understand, my sweet sisters. I know you will find your way in life, and I can’t wait to watch you do it.