I remember the first day of spring this year pretty well. I walked through this crazy mix of snow and rain to one of my classes, wearing my large coat and wishing I had brought gloves. I put my hands in my pocket to warm them up, looked at my phone and realized that I was already three minutes late to class. I started running, and as I was running, my breath was visible. After a minute or so, I reached the door of the lecture hall and read a note on there that said that class was canceled that day. Feeling relief, I went to the library, and as I signed into Google, I saw a bunch of flowers inside of the icon and when I clicked on it, it said, "Happy Spring." Even though Google said it had come, most of us feel, especially with the snow we have been having lately, that spring hasn’t yet started. When spring does eventually come, here are some things to appreciate.
1. Being able to go outside without wearing several layers of clothing.
It can get annoying after a while always having to put a big jacket on just to go outside and then having to carry it around with you all day when you are inside. Without having to lug a jacket or any other clothing around with you, everything feels so much lighter.
2. Flowers.
Let's face it, nature during the winter season can be very dull, or at least it can be, color-wise. We can get tired of seeing a mix of dying grass and dirt-colored snow after a while. When flowers in the spring come, it adds a pop of color to the world.
3. The spring air.
Although there are some who can get allergies in the spring due to pollen, there are others who absolutely love breathing in all the fresh air. It's also scientifically proven that it’s easier to breathe when it’s warmer outside too. This is because the air isn’t as heavy.
4. Hearing birds chirp.
There is something quite tranquil about hearing birds chirp; perhaps it's the reminder that there are other living things outside after all.
5. Campus is alive.
During the winter, everyone on campus usually hides inside and watches Netflix, but in the spring, campus is usually filled with people either slack-lining, playing Kan Jam, or even soccer. I’ve even seen people take naps in the grass.
6. Outdoor sports.
When the weather gets warmer, it gets a lot easier to spend time with your friends or even make new ones. Playing outdoor sports with people is a good way to bond without feeling like you have to talk. There have been countless times when I have met new people because they were simply interested in the sport I was playing.
7. Going for walks outside.
When you do feel like just talking to your friends there is no better way to do it than by going for a relaxing walk. When the weather is nicer, we walk to places because we want to not because we have to.
8. Being able to rock sandals and dresses again.
Mornings can get a lot easier when you are able wear dresses and sandals again. No more having to turn your wardrobe upside down to look for matching socks or for a top to go with the pants you are wearing.
9. Seeing the color green again.
Let's face it. After a few months of seeing nothing but dirt-colored snow or dead, yellow grass, it's nice to see everything looking so alive. Plus the smell of freshly cut grass can bring back some nice childhood memories of playing outside
10. Barbecues.
Although hot dogs and hamburgers are tasty all year round, they taste so much better when they come right off the barbecue. Barbecues are also an awesome way for people to get together.
11. Everyone's moods are just better.
There's just something about spring that makes everyone's moods elevate, perhaps it's all the things listed above, but either way good moods are contagious.
Spring is awesome, and I have no Idea what happened to the groundhog this year, but hopefully he will see his shadow soon.