Being a woman is probably the greatest yet hardest and most confusing thing ever. We are often expected to act like ladies, work like men and look like dolls. We are trained to follow the rules and make sure that our shorts aren't too short and that our shirts aren't too revealing because we don't want to "distract" men. We are often objectified and expected to not let it bother us. We are made responsible for our own safety, and we are often told to "behave like a girl," letting us question, "What does that mean?"
There are many things that nobody tells us about being a woman in today's world. Here is a list of 11 of those things:
1. The people you will be pitted against most in your life are other women.
2. You'll be slut shamed.

3. You’ll be catcalled and expected to be OK with it.

4. You will feel unsafe while walking alone at night and will try to not pay attention to those who stare at you while you walk.
5. Comments will be made about your physical appearance. You will start to compare yourself to every other woman you meet and criticize your body every time you look at yourself in the mirror, thinking that you're not skinny enough, or pretty enough, or good enough.
6. You won’t be able to leave your drink unattended at a bar or a party without fear of being drugged.

7. You have to be careful about how you dress, because if you show "too much skin," then "you're asking for it."
8. If you say "No" or "I'm not interested" to someone, there's a big chance that they will interpret it as "I'm just playing hard to get."
9. You can't talk openly about sex, because if you do, then society will interpret it as you being a "whore" or "a girl who sleeps around."
10. Sometimes, you will have to be your own hero. You can't be waiting around for your Prince Charming to come save you.

11. Many times you will be afraid of falling for someone because you're scared of being good enough to sleep with but not good enough to date.

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