Whether you've just begun blogging or are an already-seasoned blogger, there are some experiences that all of us go through. Blogging provides an incredible community of like-minded people; when one person mentions something they've gone through as part of their blogging journey, it is so easy to understand exactly what she (or he!) is talking about! If you are a lifestyle blogger, chances are you can relate to the following:
1. #DoItForTheGram is so much more than just a hashtag!
It’s a lifestyle.
2. Twitter chats for bloggers are one of your favorite ways to make new friends.
3. Leaving a link to your latest post on the daily threads in blogging Facebook group can be a very dangerous decision if the thread is labeled “all or nothing.”
4. The whole decision about “should-I-set-up-my-blog-using-Blogger-or-Wordpress?” is a dilemma you’ve known all too well…
5. Meeting up with your blogger friends in real life for the first time is the most amazing experience.
6. Coffee -even if it’s decaf- must be consumed on a daily basis, or else your work-flow will be totally disrupted!
7. Some people check the news every morning...
8. You own more stationary for writing letters to your fellow bloggers and blog readers than is socially acceptable.
In fact, you probably also know some basic calligraphy and/or illustration skills to jazz up your letters, as well…9. When somebody leaves a positive, thoughtful comment on your latest blog post, you can practically hear the hallelujah chorus descending from the heavens.
10. Some people have hobbies; you have social media profiles.