Being a college student is pretty rough. Add a job to the mix and it is complete chaos. As college students, we do whatever it takes to get by, no matter how crazy it may seem. Here are 11 things every working college student is guilty of.
1. Having to bring your textbook in the storage room at work.
If you have a job in college, there is limited time to study. You must do whatever it takes to pass. The storage room of your place of employment seems like a great location to snuggle up and study...NOT.
2. Working a late shift and having an 8am class the next morning.
Rushing home after your shift to quickly do your homework and get ready for bed has become one of your specialties.
3. Only having 30 mins in between your class and your shift.
Everyone in the school parking lot should beware if this happens. You do not have time for the after class banter, you have to get to work!
4. Grabbing something quick to eat before your shift.
All diets are thrown out the window while going to school and working. Whether it be Wendy's or Taco Bell, fast food is always the answer.
5. Having your car trunk double as a closet.
Your work uniform can always be found in your car. This is necessary for all the quick changes you are going to do in between class and work. Britney Spears will be jealous of your quick change record.
6. Power naps in between class and work.
Just like your talent of quick changes, you can add power napping to your repertoire of skills. All you need is 20 minutes and some peace and quiet.
7. When the barista at Starbucks knows your name.
Coffee is your best friend. It gets you through the best of times and the worst of times. You will be needing a coffee before every single shift.
8. Not having class on Fridays, but randomly getting called into work.
This is probably one of the worst things that will happen to you in your entire life. That is all.
9. Saving your last summer paycheck for textbooks.
We all know how expensive college textbooks can be. As an "adult," you need to save your last paycheck of the summer to pay for the endless amounts of pointless textbooks you will need.10. Telling your manager over and over that you can't work one day because of your night class.
The time comes to give your manager your availability for the new semester. Of course you get sucked into taking a night course so you can't work one day during the week. Obviously nothing can be that easy and every week you get put to work on that day.11. Never being able to hangout with friends.
If you aren't at school, you're working, and if you aren't working, you're at school. You can never win. Ever.Even though working in college is a struggle, each of these things teaches you something, especially how to manage time and how to multitask. So next time you get so fed up with doing any of these things, think of how it is making you a better person!