Fellow future Mountaineers, we have almost made it! With only less than twenty days until we move in, I'm sure most of us have had billions of thoughts running through our heads such as;
1. Oh my God, I got into college, YES!
This is about when we all started getting accepted and stalking the App State website for what classes we could take and crying over tuition (especially for us out-of-staters) and searching Facebook for all of the groups we could join. Also this is when we were weighing all of our options and dealing with pestering parents always asking, "So, where are you going to college?" and having to give the painfully honest answer of "I don't know..."
2. Committing
The sit down talk with your parents they have been anxiously waiting for has finally happened. For me I was too nervous so I casually said, "Is it ok if I go to App State?" and I got the "That is so much more expensive than an in-state school but it's where you want to be so I guess I have to agree" look from my Dad. Regardless, I was happy and skippy and announced my commitment on *~~*Instagram*~~* for all of my friends to see.
3. The Roommate Hunt
Finding someone who is okay with all of your super weird quirks and has a similar decor taste as you is SO stressful. What is worse than the hunt is the rejection, whether your the rejector or the rejectee, it is ALWAYS uncomfortable.
4. Dorm Planning
Finally, you've found your roommate, or your soulmate/bff type friend. You start talking about the kinds of things you'll have and share and when you get to meet them, oh and you cannot forget the online shopping!! This was definitely my favorite stage.
5. Class Registration
The night before I had built my perfect schedule, and happened to have an AP exam the day registration opened. The site opened at noon, which is when my exam ended. I ran out of the basement door and sprinted to my car only to get home and find out someone had snatched my Physics 1103 class, de-railing my flawless schedule.
6. Graduation
This is about that time when your family starts to get weird around you, like you are suffering from a terminal illness or something. They begin to be strangely affectionate and sentimental and it totally feels like you are leaving forever when you're only going off to school.
7. Orientation
"WOW are all the dorms this small????" "Only two bathroom stalls? What if three people get food poisoning??" "Ouch, why do I keep hitting my head on the ceiling?" were some of my first thoughts moving into my room for the night. Also, I was so nervous to meet the people that I would be friends with for the next four years or even beyond.
8. Dorm Assignments
While all of my friends who are going to the University of Georgia had known for what felt like forever where they were living, I had no clue. I was checking my email relentlessly everyday in July until I finally got the email. I immediately searched to see if I had to loft my bed, which thank goodness I do not, and again went crazy on Facebook trying to find people in my dorm. (yay Hoey!!)
9. "Graduation Goggles"
Whenever I saw anyone from my high school, I started getting weirdly nostalgic about them, even if they drove me off the wall insane. "Wow, I'm never going to get irritated by her again, kinda sad." went through my head quite a bit.
"HELP I DO NOT KNOW ANYONE I AM SO WEIRD AND NERVOUS???!" "OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS GOING TO HATE ME!!!!" "WHAT IF I THROW UP ON THE FIRST DAY??? I'LL BE VOMIT GIRL FOREVER!!!" are the kinds of things I formulate in my head on a day to day instance these days, but then I remember that I am not the only one and instantly feel better.
11. Excitement
I mean, who would not want to live in one of the most beautiful towns and attend the best college ever?