I started donating crayons my junior year of high school, and I have been donating ever since. I have met some interesting people, from first graders, to restaurant owners. I never knew that the simple act of donating crayons would bring me so close to my community! If you didn't know, crayons have so many ways they can be used, coloring, crayon melting, sculpting, etc.
If you're interested in donating, you can check out The Crayon Initiative, Crazy Crayons Recycling Program, or Crayon Collection.
1. Crayons Can Be Re-manufactured And Donated.
Crayons that are re-manufactured, can be donated back to Hospitals, Day cares, under funded Schools, and also orphanages. This allows children to keep their creativity growing at all times!
2.It Helps People Get Involved!
I started to volunteer and decided to get my school started in volunteering as well! You can get get groups together to help collect the crayons, sort them, and even ship them out!
3.It Opens Up Space In Your House
Who needs to keep that big ole' box of crayons lying around the house? They haven't been touched in years. It would be a shame to see them go to waste! Pack those suckers up and donate them, you'll realize you have a lot more space than you thought.
4.It Inhibits Creative Growth In Children
Crayons provide a building block for childhood creativity, you can draw anything, do anything, and go anywhere with the use of crayons. You can draw monsters, rocket ships, family portraits or a landscape. Crayons help bring imagination to life.
5.Crayons Are NOT Biodegradable. 
Wax actually never breaks down, leaving waxy sludge in our landfills! 500,000 of broken crayons are discarded in landfills around the country.
6.It Brings Together The Community!
You'll be out in the community setting up boxes at Restaurants, Schools, businesses and other organizations. You'll be able to meet a TON of people, And the best part is, they all have the same interest, Donating Crayons!
7.It Helps Teachers And Schools.
8.Teaches Children About Recycling
Instead of wasting the crayons at the restaurant, children seen their parents bringing them home for them to use again!
9.Can Be Re-Shaped Into Different Forms
Not every child can hold a regular crayon. By donating your crayons, they can be re shaped to help children with intellectual disabilities to fulfill their creative needs!
10.Some Organizations Offer Art Classes.
Some programs offer Art classes to children taught by artists from all over the country!
11. It's Fulfilling
Most organizations are nonprofit, they promote art, community, creativity, positive ecosystems, and involvement.