"Chelsea Does" is the newest Netflix series to grace our presence having premiered on Jan. 23. This documentary series follows Chelsea Handler discussing and doing various subjects and things. Now, here are 11 reasons why you should watch it.
1. Chelsea Handler is as real as they come. She manages a perfect balance of irresponsibility and respectability that is ridiculously entertaining.
You keep doing you, Handler.
2. For all of the "Chelsea Lately" fans out there who miss that fantastically offensive talk show and who need more Handler in their life, watch this. You won't regret it.
3. This series is a very small, yet worthy time commitment. Consisting of only four one-hour episodes, you can easily finish this in one day if you work hard enough. Rather than taking on a TV show like "Breaking Bad" or "The Office," start with this tiny project. That way, you won't feel horrible about having committed to something bigger than yourself.
4. Every episode features some pretty cool people like Margaret Cho, Jason Biggs, Al Sharpton and Willie Nelson, who is the coolest of cool.
5. First, watch Handler discuss the institution of marriage as a part of our ever-changing and contemporary society. Added bonus: witness Handler humiliate the former CEO of Ashley Madison.
6. Then, watch as she struggles to figure out technology and befriends teenage ITs, all in the effort to discuss the current Tech Age and growing presence of Silicon Valley.
7. Handler also takes on the discussion of racism in America talking with many normal American people including white supremacists, racial minorities who own their own businesses and the family of Walter Scott, whose killing at the hand of a police officer was caught on video in 2015.
8. In the series' final episode—"Chelsea Does Drugs"—Chelsea is high at least three times, and it is very entertaining and well worth the watch.
However, Handler also managed to shed light on the problem of drug abuse.
9. Simply put, Handler is hilarious and crazy, which is a great combination to make great TV.
10. The show, led by Handler, is fearless in discussing and examining the intriguing topics of marriage, Silicon Valley, racism and drugs. Handler asks brutal questions begging for brutal honesty, having the conversations that many of us have deemed too hard to have.
11. "Chelsea Does" is a great place to start the discussion of many pressing issues. Handler and her team have created a foundation for us viewers to further the conversations.
So get out there already! Watch an episode or two, talk with lots of different people about a lot of different things and just do like Chelsea does.