11 Christmas Movies You Should Watch This December | The Odyssey Online
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11 Christmas Movies You Should Watch This December

A ranking of the greatest Christmas movies to date

11 Christmas Movies You Should Watch This December
White House Black Shutters

It's that time of the year again, folks. The most wonderful time of the year, in fact. And that means all the hot chocolate, candy canes, and Christmas movies your little hearts can take.

Here's the official unofficial list of the best Christmas movies to date.

1. Love, Actually.

This is without a doubt the hands-down best "I-watch-it-seventeen-times-every-December" Christmas movie of all time. Done.

Also known as the movie in which Hugh Grant does this:

And Rick Grimes handles unrequited love like a (hopeless romantic) boss.

And Liam Neissen is the greatest/coolest/seriously-adopted-me-please step-father of all time.

And basically all of your Christmas hopes and wishes and dreams come true. Meaning, they all have British accents.

2. Elf.

It may be (relatively) new, but Elf is already a classic. A delightful and jolly family-friendly comedy, it's easilythe most quotable Christmas movie of all time.

3. The Holiday.

Jude Law is Mr. Napkin Head. 'Nuff said.

4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

The original cartoon version. Sorry, Jim Carrey. But 196's animation is where it's at.

5. White Christmas.

Ever wonder where that classic holiday song came from? Alternative title: Bing Crosby is a music god.

6. Home Alone.

Though none of us want to be Macaulay Culkin now...

...We all wanted to be him as kids

7. A Christmas Story.

You'll shoot your eye out, kid.

8. The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Personally, this movie isn't my fav, but I can't disregard the impact this movie had on every middle-schooler in years.

9. It's a Wonderful Life.

If you haven't seen this classic, do yourself a favor. Friendly advice, make sure the tissues are close at hand for this iconic scene:

Congrats, Clarence. We were all rooting for you, buddy.

10. This Christmas.

Loretta Divine. Idris Elba. Regina King. Mehki Phifer. And about a dozen other amazing actors. This star-studded movie is all about keeping the family together during the holidays, and is one of my favorite features this time of year.

11. Miracle on 34th Street.

Again, these Christmas classics aren't just for your parents. If you haven't managed to catch this golden oldie, turn on Hallmark any day this month and you're bound to see it sooner or later.

Bonus X-mas film: Die Hard. The original. Numero uno.

Professor Snape takes a Christmas party hostage, while speaking with the weirdest German accent we've ever heard.

Yippee Ki Yay, Ninny-Muggin.

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