With 2015 drawing to a close, it’s only appropriate to reflect on the great and life changing things that have happened throughout the year. Let’s remember how "Netflix & Chill" took the nation by storm while the blue and black (or was it gold and white?) dress tore us apart. Here we will focus on ten things that truly make 2015 unique.
1. The release of the long awaited 7th "Star Wars" movie
Nerds everywhere retrieved their Jedi cloaks and lightsabers from the clutches of the dark closet to hail the arrival of the seventh installment of the epic Star Wars series. The film, which was released on December 18, 2015, broke various records in the box office, as well as hitting the $1 billion mark in a measly 12 days. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or not, there is no denying the draw of this movie. May the force be with you.
2. Starbucks RUINING Christmas!
Starbucks ditched the traditional Christmas cup, starting the largest drink oriented uprising since the Boston Tea Party.
3. Man buns!
There is just something unspoken and sexy about a pile of unkempt hair on top of a man’s head. The thing is…women have been doing this way before the male species got on board. Sorry gents, you’re a little too late for this fashion statement.
4. Jenner clearly wanted to keep up with the Kardashians
Woman Of The Year, an ESPY...she definitely kept up with the Kardashians.
5. Trump entering the presidential race
With all due respect Mr. Trump, I think you should fix your hair before you try to fix our economy.
6. Patriots win Super Bowl XLIX
Super Bowl XLIX was an edge-of-your-seat kind of game. There was no blowout like the year before, but a hard fought battle between two fierce opponents. As the points on the scoreboard went up and the time dwindled down the stakes got higher and tempers soared. Finally, during the last few plays of the game when it seemed that the Seahawks were destined for victory, the Patriots managed to…deflate…their advances, winning the game.
7. Zayn ditched the band…
I guess you could say they’re no longer going in “one direction..."
8. Justin Bieber's epic redemption
There’s no hiding the fact that everyone (yes, I mean everyone) loves a little bit of the Biebs. That bod, those tattoos, those new songs? Perfection. Recently, it has become common practice for his top songs to be blared at every college party and bar across the nation. I wonder if Selena Gomez is reconsidering that break-up now…I know I would.
9. The tragic loss of Derek Shepherd
After binge-watching 12 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy in three weeks, the devoted fans of Grey’s Anatomy were heartbroken to watch as Meredith Grey put her beloved husband to rest. Huge shoutout to Shonda Rhimes for the heartache, the sleepless nights and the 15 boxes of tissues we went through. Clearly Shonda didn’t know how to save a life.
10. McDonald’s all day breakfast
McDonald's opened in 1955 but didn’t begin to serve breakfast until 1972. The world has been patiently waiting for years and years and years to be privileged to buy breakfast all day long. Now, 43 years after that first Egg McMuffin was served, we receive the honor. No longer must we set an alarm to receive the bounty that is Mickey D’s breakfast.
Though these things may have tested our patience, our sense of humanity, and our proud sense of dignity, it would not have been 2015 without them. Let’s reflect on our failures and look towards the future.