What do you see when you turn on the TV? What is taking over our social media news feeds? Hate. There is so much hate in the world and it is sickening. The Black Eyed Peas said it best, so “where is the love?” We all go through our own struggles, and sometimes all we need is a little love. I want to inspire you all to find what you love.
Here are 100 things that I love:
- Sleeping in
- The perfect hair day
- Being so engrossed with a Netflix series that I don’t want to turn the TV off
- Working my ass off on a college assignment and actually getting the grade I deserve
- When my favorite sports team wins. GO DETROIT TIGERS!
- A simple “good morning” text
- My godsons
- My hair being played with
- The moment a child’s face lights up with happiness
- A quick smile from a stranger
- Taking my shoes off after a long day
- Watching my favorite movie while eating pizza
- Laughing so hard that I snort
- When someone calls me “babes”
- Free coffee
- My family
- People that smell good
- Dancing
- Karaoke
- Snow days
- Throwing away a “To Do List” because I actually finished everything on it
- The feeling of clean sheets
- The smell of rain
- Watching my little sisters grow up
- My friends
- Writing
- Cute old couples
- Purses
- Candles that smell like men’s cologne
- Fresh cut grass
- Hugging someone I haven’t seen in forever
- Movie quotes
- Snuggling babies
- Ice cream
- Making people laugh
- Finding the right words and actually saying them
- Shorts and hoodie weather
- Arguing with someone that actually knows what they are talking about
- A challenge
- Bacon in the morning
- Road trips
- Getting my nails done
- Spending the day outside in the sun
- Bridge jumping
- Omelettes
- Pulling all nighters with friends
- Winning at "Cards Against Humanity"
- Chandler from "Friends"
- Being independent
- Baggy sweatshirts
- Rollercoasters
- Salt-N-Pepa
- Free t-shirts
- Outdoor concerts
- Taking out my contacts
- Sand between my toes
- Meeting new people
- Sitting around a fire
- Coney Islands
- Being from Flint, MI
- Finishing a book
- Social media
- Helping others
- Slurpees
- Laying under the stars
- Sitting on top of a roof
- Barbecue chips
- Holding hands
- Themed parties
- Euchre
- Staying organized
- "The Breakfast Club"
- Clean bedroom
- Hot shower
- Cupcakes
- Someone telling me they love my name
- Fast texters
- Listening to my mom sing
- Sleepovers with my sister
- Big dogs thinking they are lap dogs
- Freshly shaved legs
- Being needed
- Seeing little kids gets excited when they see their parents
- 90s music
- Coke from McDonald’s
- Summer tans
- Minty gum
- Stretching
- College
- Back scratches
- Not having to wear any pants
- Taking pictures to capture memories
- Hearing my dad giggle
- Walking out of work on a Friday
- Laying in bed after a long day
- Being able to smell my shampoo
- Food videos on Facebook
- Payday!
- Going to the movies
I challenge everyone to find 100 things that you love, it is a lot harder than you think. It is important to always remember the positive things in life, and find things that make you smile, even when that seems impossible.
So, what do you love?