100 Things You Don't Want To Forget When You Move To College | The Odyssey Online
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100 Things You Don't Want To Forget When You Move To College

Don't forget even one thing on this list!

100 Things You Don't Want To Forget When You Move To College
sienacollege / Flickr

Welcome to College! The place of independence, finding yourself, and trying new things. This is the chapter of your life where life really starts. Like everything in life, you need a "game plan," Why not be prepared before the time comes for classes? Before the real stress starts? You can never be too prepared: I'm here to help you with that!

Here is a list of 100 things you may or may not have thought about when preparing for this big step in you're life!

1. Beside Lamp (clip-on)

Beside lamps are a good thing to have because it enables you to be able to clip the lamp onto a section of your bed and your side of your room. That way, if you decide to pull an all-nighter, your roommate won't have to worry about not catching enough sleep!

2. Box Fan

Most colleges only require box fans for their dorms. These fans are plastic for safety reasons and the wattage won't be in danger to you or anything else in your hall!

3. Rugs

Any kind of shape — but make sure to get something like a bath rug. (Bath rugs tend to have the rubber bottoms that prevent the rug from moving on tiled floors or wooden floors-prevent you from falling face first). Circle rugs, long rugs, whatever you choose. Rugs are good to have around the dorm and make for a more homey feeling in your dorm.

4. Under Bed Plastic Wheel Organizers

These organizers make it easy to store snacks, clothing, shoes, shower things, etc. The storage containers with wheels on them make it easy for you to access them, easier to pull out, and easier to roll around to store!

5. Hanging rack for towels or laundry (Ones that fit on your door)

It never hurts to have your own personal drying rack! Towels can last longer when they are hung up for 1,2, maybe even 3 days. This saves time and money on you having to take the time to wash laundry. These can easily hook onto the doors of wardrobes that most colleges provide as closets!

6. Makeup Bags and Makeup Holders/Organizers!

Makeup bags, organizers, and holders help you keep your makeup and beauty supplies easy to access and leaves more room in your dorm! If you are running late for classes, dates, or meetings-these makeup organizers make it possible for you to easily grab what you need and go!

7. Jewelry Boxes

Having jewelry boxes can keep necklaces untangled, bracelets intact, earrings together and just keep everything in one place and separated from the other accessories. Easy to grab and go!

8. Alarm Clock/Clock Radio

Whatever you do, DO NOT trust just your cell phone to wake you up! When you spend late nights studying, or having trouble sleeping-waking up could be hard. Set an alarm on both your phone and your alarm clock to ensure that you wake up when you need to wake up! You never know which one won't go off! Alarm Clocks are also sometimes louder than phones — and defiantly annoying enough to make you want to get out of bed to hit it a couple times!

9. Trash Cans

You can NEVER have too many trash cans — simply because you can always be cleaner! Don't be afraid to be clean-you're roommate may thank you later also!

10. Bulletin Boards/White Board/ Chalkboard


12. Mini Toolkits (Screwdrivers, Gorilla Glue, Wrench, Flashlight, etc)

13. Calendars/ Organizers

14. Pillow cases, clean sheets, clean comforters (You can never be too protected from what other students may have had go on, on your bed before you moved in!)

15. Hangers! (Get them in packs if you can) The more you can get, the better!16. Laundry Baskets/ Laundry Mesh Bags

17. Laundry Detergent, Dryer Sheets

18. Stain Remover Pens (DG, Tide, etc.)

19. Pool Noodles

The width of the step on the ladder of your bed or the length of your bed, slice it own one side so that the noodle comes apart slightly — then slide the noodle now the ladder legs or bed frame legs! These noodles can make stepping on bed ladders a little more comfortable!

20. Lint Rollers

21. Mini Sewing Kit

22. USB Flash drives/ Memory Cards

23. Stapler with Staples

24. Printer/Printer Paper (Depends on what the college provides)

25. Pencil Cases/Pencil Cups (Holders)

26. Highlighters/Pens/Pencils/ Pencil Sharpeners

27. Ziplock Bags

28. Notebooks, Folders, Binders, Report Covers, Page Protectors, Dividers


30. Sticky Notes (I put these again so you get the point of their value)

31. Paper Clips, Binder Clips (LOTS)

32. Tape, Glue, Scissors, Crayons, Markers, etc

33. Stamps and Envelopes (Writing letters of any kind, sending out bills)

34. Laptop (If you choose)

35. Bluetooth Speaker/ Portable Speaker

36. Long Cord- Extension Cords (Check with college to make sure you can have them)

37. Ethernet Cords/ HDMI Cords (May not need them if college doesn't need them)

38. Surge Protectors

39. 3-2 Prong Adapters/ Wall Taps

40. Camera with case and batteries (If you choose)

41. Headphones (I advise having at least three pairs handy at all times or in your dorm)

42. Microwave (Check with roommate to make arrangements) (Check with college to figure out what wattages you can have in anything electrical)

43. Posters/Art Work/Picture Frames

44. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Vitamins, Tums, etc.

45. Band-Aids, Ointments

46. Cough Drops/Cough Syrup

47. Shower Caddy/ Bags

48. Shower Flip Flops/ Shower Shoes

49. Hair Products (Gels, Mousse, Hair Dryers, Straighteners, Curlers, Hair ties, etc.)

50. Toothbrushes/ Toothpastes, Dental Floss

51. Combs/ Hairbrushes

52. Tweezers, Bobby Pins, Hair Clips
53. Razors, Shaving Cream, Shaving Lotions

54. Cotton Balls, Cu-tips

55. Extra everything of clothes (underwear, shirts, skirts, pants, PJ's etc)

56. Shoes (Dress up, sneakers, boots, flats, etc)

57. Gloves, Hats, Headwraps

58. Hand Warmers (Great for sporting events)

59. Jackets/Coats/Sweatshirts/Sweaters/Cardigans/Cover-ups

60. Swimsuits/Cover-ups

61. Oven Mits (Microwave food can be HOT TOO)

62. Vacuum/Mini

63. Hand Soaps/Germ-X

64. Disinfecting Wipes

65. Sponges, Foil, Shrink Wrap

66. Travel Mugs/ YETI/ Coolly Cups

67. Paper Towels, Trash Bags, Cleaners, Dish Soaps, Wet wipes, Tissues, etc.

68. Can/Bottle Openers

69. Umbrellas

70. Backpacks

71. SNACKS (Can't have too many of those)

72. Lanyard (Holds IDs, license, credit cards, library cards, etc)

73. Rain boots

74. Lap Desk

75. Ear Plugs (Give yourself and your roommate privacy when studying or when one is sleeping)

76. Full-length mirror/ Mini Mirrors

77. Bleach/ Ironing Board/ Iron

78. QUARTERS (These are always good to have on hand in case laundry mats are your only option. Some colleges make you pay to use their washers and dryers)

79. Address Books/Phone Books

80. Calculators (Scientific, Regular, Graphic)

81. Erasers (Pencil top, flat)

82. Journals/Diary

83. Letter Openers

84. Rubber Bands

85. Hole Puncher

86. Wite-Outs (Roll or paint)

87. Chip Clips

88. Broom/Dust Pan

89. Batteries (Alarm Clocks, Remotes, etc.)

90. Chargers (Speakers, phones, cameras)

91. Clipboards

92. Anti-stress facemasks/ Spa Treatments (you know you'll need them after all this!)

93. Washcloths (CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY)

94. Air Fresheners

95. Baby Wipes

96. Body Sponges, Body Washes, Shampoo, Conditioners, etc.

97. Collapsible Storage Bins

98. Emergency Ponchos (Perfect for sports, etc.)

99. Fuzzy Socks

100. Dress Storage Bags (Covers dresses, suits (important clothing)

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