The 10 Worst People You See On Campus | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Worst People You See On Campus

You either know one or you are one, which is it?

The 10 Worst People You See On Campus

By now, we are all acclimating after returning from break, and however reluctant, we are back in the swing of things. As if it's not bad enough that we have to go back and adjust our sleep schedule to accompany our new school schedule, we also have to adjust to the new people we'll surely have in our classes or run into on campus. While they vary by annoyance and level of intensity, these people can be clearly defined into 10 categories.

1. The Oversharer

You will know this person immediately. They will be all too eager to share every aspect of their lives to the class and will use this time as their own personal therapy session. Because if you can't talk about how your mother doesn't love you in Pre-Calc, when can you?

2. The Invader of Personal Space

Are you kidding me? We're in a lecture hall with at least 70 other seats and you had to choose the one right next to me. Is personal space not a factor of consideration for you?

3. The Class Interrupter

Come on dude, you knew what time this class started when you registered for it. I'm not saying that we aren't all late from time to time but you're late every day.Get it together.

4. The Awkward Door Holder

I want it to be known that I do appreciate the effort of you holding the door open for me. What I don't appreciate is that you saw me five yards away, still held the door, and now I have to run to grab the door for you.

5. The Note Beggar

I understand, I truly do. Sometimes you're sick and you have to miss class, but understand that sending a mass email to the whole class begging for notes for the past two weeks will earn little sympathy, especially if the professor posts notes online. I take great notes and you're not getting those for free.

6. The Seat Bandit

It's true, there are no assigned seats in college, but if you sit in the seat that I've been sitting in for the past five weeks, MY seat, there will be hell to pay. It's the unwritten Hammurabi's Code of college, I don't make the rules.

7. The Ninja

These are the people you only see on test days and other very rare questions. You have no idea who they are and often find yourself thinking, who are they and how did they get in here?

8. The Mean Mugger

Trust me, I totally understand looking pissed off as you walk across campus but when someone smiles at you, who doesn't smile back? It's just common courtesy. If it were possible I'd take my smile back because you don't deserve it.

9. The Slow Walker

Seriously? You're killing me. If you are walking down the stairs and you find it necessary to check your phone the entire time, holding up everyone behind you, just take the elevator. I only get 15 minutes to get down three flights of stairs and to the other side of campus and because of you, I now only have 10.

10. The Recruiter

I don't care if it's for your club, church, sorority, fraternity, business or any other group, if you give me a flyer I'm throwing it away. This probably stems from an innate inability to say no, but I really just want to get to class, I don't want to talk.

These people are probably well intended, but you know what they say about the road to hell. We've all experienced them before, did you think you were the only one?

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Rebekah Lee

I remember my freshman year oh so well. I remember feeling terrified the night before orientation. The one thing that I dreaded the most was not the new people, the new environment, or even the academic pressure. I was dreading having to talk to sorority girls about Recruitment. I remember cutting off and avoiding any Rho Gamma/Panhellenic Officer that came my way during First Week. I looked at them like they had asked me to cut my arm off whenever they asked me if I wanted to rush. To be honest, I did not even know what rush was, but I knew that I did NOT want to be a part of it. To me, it was dumb. It was a waste of money. It was a waste of my time.

And guess what? I did not rush my freshman year. I spent the first half of my freshman year isolating myself from everyone on campus. I spent all of my time in the library, and then (since I was a commuter) went back home once my work was finished.

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