Going into the new year can be both exciting, but also stressful. You feel the need to make "goals" for yourself, but then end up not sticking with them.
You also feel like the motto "new year, new me" means dying your hair and changing your clothing style. However, have you ever thought of other ways that you can make the start of the new year positive and successful? 2018 is a chance to have (kinda) a brand new start in life and to step out of your comfort zone and into a new state of mind.
Here are some ways that you can go into the new year with a bang.
1. Encourage Others
Like I said, you may create a set of goals or a list of goals for yourself to fulfill for the new year. One of those goals may be to lose weight, be more positive, and encourage yourself to be a better person. But, instead of encouraging yourself, why not set a goal to encourage others? Making other people feel great about themselves makes you feel 10 times as great and can, in fact, lead to a more positive lifestyle.
2. Be Realistic
Whenever I would make my new year's resolutions or goals list, I would have an ungodly amount of goals that I would have to accomplish by the end of the year. Some of my goals were extremely unrealistic and I was upset with myself when I didn't complete them when I wanted to. Some goals I completely forget about too because with a list that long, who wouldn't? Set a couple goals for yourself, 2-3 max. That way, you'll be living 2018 with realistic goals and a focused mindset.
3. Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
I'm a super procrastinator, so my ability to get stuff done on time is not one of my strong suits. If you set deadlines for yourself and for your goals, you'll be able to assess what more you need to do and what you need to do differently. Deadlines aren't just for papers and homework.
4. Make Self Care a Priority
A lot of the time, although we always set goals for ourselves, we often forget to actually take CARE of ourselves. Make self-care a top priority on your list this new year. Our bodies, our physical and mental health, and or well being are one of the most important things in our lives.
5. Set Boundaries
Are you someone that just can't say no? Well, me too. I like to do things for people and I can't always get myself to say no to someone, even if I know I can't do it. This new year, set boundaries for yourself and just say no once and a while. Trust me, it will be okay!
6.Try New Things
Ever wanted to skydive? Try new foods? Travel overseas? Now is the perfect time to consider doing that. I know change is scary and new things are scary, but now is your chance to get yourself out there and out of your comfort zone!
7. Say Thank You
Have you ever felt like you didn't get enough recognition for something you did? Other people feel this way too. Get in the habit of thanking everyone you encounter, no matter the size of the favor. Saying it to family members like parents or grandparents will probably get you bonus points too!
8. Get Rid of Clothing
This is SO hard for me to do. I'm a total clothing hoarder, even with clothes that don't fit anymore or clothes that I "think" I'll wear, even though I haven't seen it for probably 6 months. If you get rid of clothing now, just think of the room you'll have in your closet for more, trendy clothing? Same goes for shoes. Get rid of the junky and outdated shoes, so that you can make room in your closet for even more stylish ones!
9. Get Creative
Ever wanted to start a new hobby? Well, now is your chance! Take 2018 to start up a new hobby, go to a craft store and make something, or pick up the instrument that you left behind. Like I said, new year, new beginnings, new hobbies. You can learn a lot in a year and it's never too late to start!
10. Say Goodbye To Social Media
Now, I don't mean get rid of it (but you can if you want to), I just mean spend less time on your phone/looking at a screen and spend more time talking face to face with friends and family. This will help your social skills, social anxieties, your eyes, and your thumbs. I spend so much time on my phone that I forget the world around me, so it's time I start remembering it again.