As fall nears, students all over are prepping to head back to college. As we all pack our bags and load up our cars, we all think these thoughts, and trust me, you’re not the only one to think about these things.
1. "I cannot do this"
Cleaning takes too much work. I cannot imagine having to decide what I have to pack and leave here. Trust me, we all think it.
2. "Why do I have so much junk?"
How ironic it is to try and find something only to you realize you actually have a bunch of junk that you don’t need. This is the perfect time to get rid of things as you are getting ready to head off to school. You will be happy that you de-cluttered the next time you come home.
3. "I didn’t know I had this"
Every time I clean my room, I find things I never knew I still had. This happened yet again as I was packing for school.
4. "Will I Actually need this?"
Chances are, you won’t actually need that. You can always bring it, but if you don’t use it in about 6 weeks, then I would bring it home.
5. "Am I forgetting anything?"
MAKE A LIST. This is the best way not to forget anything important. You can always run to the store if you need to, but having a list will help you stay focused and only bring what you need to.
6. "I deserve a little break"
You take a break to check social media, and pretty soon its been 2 hours and you haven’t made any progress. Or is that just me? No wonder why it takes so long to clean and pack.
7. "Can I afford this?"
Ahh yes, you now have experienced the scenario that every broke college kid has faced. When it comes to packing for school, think about what you really need versus what you want. You can always buy the things you want later. Look for the best deals on the things that you need, and do your best to reuse things and sometimes, it is cheaper to do it yourself (DIY).
8. *Goes to Target and buys everything you didn’t come for*
9. "Is it random if I bring this with me?"
Be honest, you probably have one thing that is completely random to have at school. I think the most random thing that I ended up bringing with me to school was a toolbox. As useful as it is, I only used it once when I was taking apart a shelf before leaving for the year.
10. "How am I going to fit all of this in my car?"
I am not kidding you, when I was packing for my freshman year, my car was packed like Tetris. Coming home from school on the other hand, everything was just thrown in the trunk. It was a lot easier to fit everything when I took the time to put it strategically in my car. If you start to think your car is full, then think through what you really need and what you don’t need yet. You can always send stuff home and bring stuff back and forth when you come home for holiday breaks.