3. "Maybe if I scan the group chat I'll find an excuse not to go." | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 Thoughts You Have Walking To Class

Let's be honest, we can all relate to the feelings we get in those last moments we have alone before submerging yourself into your next lecture.

10 Thoughts You Have Walking To Class

We have all been there. You're walking to class, headphones in, mind anywhere but school. It's usually about a five to ten-minute adventure. Everyone dreads going to class and I think we can all relate to these thoughts that cross our mind on the hike to school.

1. "Ew it's hot." 

Actual visual of me arriving to class in the August heat.

Especially in the first few weeks of the fall semester, everyone is just a hot, sweaty mess walking to class. When it's over 90 degrees outside how can you not? And the roles are reversed come winter time when you are desperately trying to remember where you put your gloves from last year because your hands are currently numb. We can't win. Mother Nature rules us.

2. "Oh no. There's ____, please don't see me." 

When you see someone you know on campus you experience one of two possible reactions. You either scream hi and it is an entire five-minute ordeal of gossip and complaining about school, or it's a total duck/hide your face and pray they don't make eye contact. Whatever the reason, whatever your reaction, we've all been there.

3. "Maybe if I scan the group chat I'll find an excuse not to go." 

In what I assume is our brain's last dying attempt to go back to bed, you begin to scan through social media and your group chats for literally any reason not to go, class. Severe storm warning or a friend with a flat tire, we all have our mental fingers crossed as we make a last desperate attempt to kid ourselves about going to class.

4. "I want coffee. I need coffee. Do I have time to get coffee??" 

Coffee gives me and probably a billion other people the light in life we need to get through the day. Caffeine is good all the time, all the time caffeine is good. Especially in the flavor of a Caramel Macchiato. Yum. There's no better feeling than sitting down in class with a nice coffee drink to help keep you from dozing off for the next fifty minutes.

5. "Are we even doing anything in class today?"

The ultimate question. There is nothing worse than going through all the trouble of getting to class and then sitting there doing absolutely nothing or being dismissed like five minutes into the class. Those days where you find yourself saying "I left my bed for this?" It's awful. It's disappointing. Soul-crushing.

6. "Definitely taking a nap after this." 

If you're like me, you plan days in advance when you're going to take a nap. Heck, my alarm goes off in the morning and I'm already thinking about what I have to do that day and how much nap time I can squeeze in. Especially as you are walking to a morning lecture, daydreaming of naps can really give you some motivation.

7. "I'm better than taking the elevator. Stairs it is." 

Honestly, for some building's it is not worth the hassle of waiting for an elevator or being crowded into one. Sometimes taking the stairs is just faster than dealing with people and the elevator. It's really awesome if you're already sweating like I said in #1, and then have to take like three flights of stairs so you're like completely drenched in sweat for class, it's awesome.

8. "I totally should've taken the elevator."

That moment when you reach the top of the stairs and your panting and sweating because you might have a heart attack. Been there. no shame. Sometimes we have to just suck it up and get on a crowded elevator. We deserve it sometimes.

9. "I hope no one can hear my post-stair heavy breathing..."

Again, no shame here. You finally reach the end of your stairs and you just cannot catch your breath. It's not like your out of shape, you just weren't prepared to exert that much energy. You avoid contact with everyone while you try to bring your heart rate back down. We all do it. Have no shame in your heavy breathing. Give yourself a high-five for surviving.

10. "I hope my un-assigned assigned seat is open."

In some classes you can sit wherever, but everyone knows the unspoken rule of un-assigned assigned seats. Once you've sat in the same spot for more than two class meetings than it's like a silent decision that that is now your seat for the semester.

Yet, there is always that one person who doesn't come to class regularly and when they do they just throw off the entire unassigned seat structure. They sit willy-nilly in someone's spot and ruin the whole balance of the class. Don't be that person. Respect the unspoken rules.

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