Everyone knows the there are three fears one must overcome in their life; their wedding day, their SAT exam and freshman student orientation day. Our minds are off the charts crazy from thoughts worried about our clothes to the way we say the name. Because of this, we have ten thoughts that go through every freshman's head.
1. Don't screw it up, tomorrow.
I seriously just need to calm down. It's just orientation. I probably will do really good. Just breathe. Breathe. Breathe gosh dangit.BREATH,
2. Just play it cool
Oh, I can totally take these people down. I mean, just look at me. Who doesn't want to to talk to me?
3. Oh no, did I forget deodorant?
Oh my gosh, there's the president. Should I shake his hand? Should I bow? Oh my gosh, what's my name again?
4. I. don't. know. anyone. here.
There must be 500 people in this little room. How is it that I don't know anyone?
5. Uh, yeah, when's lunch?
With $4,000 tuition, they can surely give me some food. All these seminars and sob stories seriously just make me hungry.
6. Are all these people in my field?
No way all these people are in my field. I must be in the wrong line.
7. Crap! What was that professors name again?
I just met my future professor and I forgot her name. Can't wait to screw it up later.
8. Uhhhhh....
9. My department is actually pretty cool.
I can't wait to start classes.
10. Wait! What was my field again?
Seriously so pumped to start. Just one quick question: is it too late to change my degree?