The school year is coming to an end, and you are about to spend your first summer in college away from home. Whether you landed an internship in Chicago or Los Angeles, or are just working as a waiter at a local bar, there are quite a few experiences you need to make sure you have this summer. Here are the top 10!
1. Learn to cook
You may not realize it now, but you will no longer have food straight from a cafeteria or mom making you breakfast. Learn how to cook because it will be really helpful!
2. Spend time alone
Living away from home is a perfect time to learn how to be a little more dependent. Take the time to really learn about yourself as a person.
3. But also go out and meet new people
You're in a new city! Not just studying here, but really living here. Have fun and go out. Want to check out a new restaurant or bar? Show up with a few friends, or even just meet people there!
4. Put your full effort into your internship/job/program
That's what you're really here for. Work diligently to succeed in what you are doing. It's why you get to experience this summer in the first place. Besides, maybe they'll keep you in mind for a real job.
5. Find a new hobby
Take the time to learn something new! Journaling is a great way to keep in touch with yourself and to document your awesome summer!
6. Put yourself first
Don't settle. This is your summer! Do what you want, when you want. Live it up to the fullest.
7. Phone home
Attention! Mom & Dad still miss you! Pick up the phone at least once a week to see how they're doing. P.S. I'm sure you might miss them a little too.
8. Find time to relax
Hit the beach for a day! Or even find a weekend to visit a nearby city or town with your new friends! Soak up the sun!
9. Surround yourself with positive people
Nothing worse than finally being on summer vacation and having to worry about petty drama. Surround yourself with happy people who want an amazing summer. If you do this, I guarantee you'll have the summer you set out for.
10. Save your money
Even though you'll want to try every single restaurant in the city and go to five different summer concerts, it's important to keep yourself on a budget. You don't want all the money you worked hard for to just go to waste!