When you get to college some things just change. You end up staying up all night studying and eating anything you can imagine at 2:00 AM. It just becomes acceptable as a college student to do certain things.
1. Sleeping... Anywhere
Especially during Finals week, seeing people sleeping in lounges, at desks, on the floor, just becomes a given; any place you find that's comfy can and will become a nap spot. Welcome to college, where anything becomes a bed.
2. Eating... Anything at Anytime
2:00 AM? Pizza sounds great. Breakfast? Why not Mac and Cheese? In college you realize that anytime is meal time and no meal foods exist. Cold pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner? It happens. You may even walk in your room to your roommate eating your peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. Just let it happen. Everyone needs to indulge.
3. Eating Cough Drops like Candy
Especially during cold and flu season — when one person gets sick, everyone does. People begin consuming cough drops like crazy to avoid getting sick or they just think they taste good, either way this is acceptable in college and nobody can deny that.
4. Procrastination... to an extent
In college it's not out of the ordinary to let your roommate distract you by talking about anything. There's also this thing called Netflix that you kinda just end up watching episodes and episodes of Grey's Anatomy or OITNB and then it's 10:00 at night and your homework isn't done.
5. Complaining about the 1-ply toilet paper
We all the struggle of the 1 ply in the bathrooms, and you'd expect with the amount of we pay for tuition they'd at least give us 2 ply.
6. Coffee anywhere anytime
Coffee is always a good idea and it becomes an even better idea in college at literally any time of day.
7. Doing everything on your bed
You eat on your bed, jump on your bed, watch movies on your bed, sometimes if you and your roommate are close you'll even sleep on the same bed. Eventually your bed is just like your everyday couch. You fit more than one person on your twin bed and it's normal.
8. Petting every dog you see on campus
When you're at college you quickly realize that you become animal deprived and you are definitely not the only one. When college students see people walking their dogs it's like a magnet everyone wants to pet it.
9. Winging It
Sometimes you just have so much reading that it isn't humanly possible to read it all... or sometimes you know you just gotta wing it.
10. Sleeping until Brunch on the Weekends
It just becomes acceptable to sleep until brunch, and when you wake up you realize it's time for brunch and you're just happy. College is great man.