College changes all of us. These changes can come in many different forms; most humorously, it can change our habits. Things that we once thought were strange before soon become the norm. To those not in college, these hobbies may sound like we need a psychological evaluation.
1. Showering at any time of the day.
Stressed? Shower. Worked out? Shower. Finished homework at 4 a.m.? Shower. Bored in the middle of the afternoon? Shower.
2. Ordering pizza at 2 a.m.
For some reason, nothing sounds better than greasy pizza at 2 a.m.
3. Falling asleep anywhere.
Falling asleep on my friend's bed when she wasn't there and waking up to her and her mom isn't weird, is it?
4. Leaving items unattended in public.
So, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, talk to 12 people, head to dinner and then go back to get my laptop from the table I was working at.
5. Wearing clothes until you absolutely need to wash them.
If it doesn't smell or have any stains, is there any good reason I can't wear this shirt for a week straight?
6. Being afraid to sleep in a room alone even if you did at home.
I spent my whole life having my own room, but as soon as my roommate wasn't there it's as if every creek sounds scary.
7. Taking naps before doing anything.
Going out at 7 p.m.? Better make time for that 6 p.m. nap.
8. Sleeping through more events than you'd like to admit.
You're lying if you haven't unintentionally or intentionally slept through a class.
9. Not knowing what a food is, but still eating it.
Is this lasagna or shepherd's pie? Is it even edible? Oh well, it's the only thing the dining hall is serving.
10. Sleeping in until 2 p.m.
When getting up before noon becomes a problem, you may have a problem.