In this day and age, you’d think people that identify as women would be treated as equals, but we are still behind. I’m personally tired of all the catcalling, stereotyping, and rude comments. People who identify as women are strong and don’t deserve these comments. Here are a few things I’ve heard or my friends have heard as of recently, from those who identify as men and I’m sure there’s many more I didn’t cover.
1.“You’re different from other girls.”
Brilliant. Yes, I like things that are different from the girls you know, but you can bet that there are other girls like me. I’m not here to be in competition with other girls. So don’t sign me up for one.
2. “You wear a lot of makeup,” or, “You don’t wear a lot of makeup.”
It is my choice on whether I wear
3. “We can’t be friends because I’m into you.”
So basically you’re saying my only worth as a woman to you is sexual. Not for my mind. Not for my personality. Yeah, It wouldn’t have worked out anyways clearly.
4. “If you’re a feminist, why do you let guys open doors for you or pay for you?”
Because it’s a nice gesture. I appreciate it. I also would open a door for a guy because it’s a nice thing to do. Or pay for my boyfriend’s meal because it’s a nice thing to do. But women are paid 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.
5. “Ew, is that a tampon?”
Yes, it is a tampon. An unused tampon. So plastic and cotton. And like periods shouldn’t scare you. Women’s bodies are incredible. We shed our uterine lining every month. And our cramps? Yeah, small contractions. We are tough as hell and tampons just make periods a little easier.
6. “She’s too easy.”
Thanks for the slut shaming. Just because a girl likes sex doesn’t mean she’s a slut. The amount of sex someone has does not allow you to judge them for it.
7. “She’s a prude.”
Same. The amount of sex she has or
8. “You look really old.”
We all age. Aging is beautiful. Laugh lines are memories etched into our skin.
9. “Oh God, she had plastic surgery.”
It’s her decision to alter how she looks. She didn’t do it to please you. And after
10. “She probably just likes football because she’s into him.”
No, she probably just likes football. Football is entertaining to all kinds of people. It’s not a sport for only male enjoyment. Stop throwing you masculinity all over things. I cannot tell you how many girls I know that love sports and they know more about it than most men.
I realize not all women experience this and some experience worse. Please note that I will not be claiming to know everything every women suffer from. I also want to recognize women of color struggle with things much more severe.