10 Thoughts On Why Your Little Sister Is A Blessing | The Odyssey Online
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10 Thoughts On Why Your Little Sister Is A Blessing

Siblings are a blessing, no matter how late in life you realize it.

10 Thoughts On Why Your Little Sister Is A Blessing
Jenny Jacobsson Blog

There's really nothing like the bond between sisters. Older sisters like me can definitely agree that the following are just a few reasons why having a little sister is simply amazing.

1. You share EVERYTHING.

It all starts when you're old enough to play with toys. Everything that's yours is somehow hers too. From sharing a bathroom, to cosmetics, to clothes, even ones that don't fit her. It was all entirely frustrating then, but you realize later in life that she wanted it because you did. And now you take it as some form of a compliment. Besides, now you have two wardrobes.

2. Monkey "see," monkey "do."

Not only does she take everything that's yours, but she tries to do EVERYTHING you do. This one was by far the most annoying trait about her. You decide you want to paint your nails pink. So does she. You want to play with your barbies. Her too. You're going to jump off a cliff. She's right behind you. When you were seven it really took a tole on you. But now having someone who likes everything you like is definitely a blessing.

3. You teach her from your mistakes.

With age comes wisdom they say. So when your sister is confronted with a situation you once dealt with the mother inside of you quickly comes out of hiding. Looking out for her isn't easy, but you know it's worth it. After all, she does the same for you even if you don't realize it.

4. Your friends are her friends, too.

She's your little sister. That means you're a package deal. So the friends you make are automatically hers too, and vice versa. Sharing the same friends isn't a bad thing, it just means you have twice the fun.

5. Inside jokes.

Spending all that time with your younger sister causes you to come up with an ENDLESS amount of inside jokes. No matter how big or small the age difference is, facts are facts, you are going to find something to laugh about. The funniest things in life happen when you’re alone with your younger sister, and you will remember them forever. Mostly because you bring them up every chance you can.

6. It's almost impossible to stay mad at her.

She could be bratty, difficult, spoiled, impossible, annoying, and the list goes on. But no matter what she’s done, you need her. And when you realize no one is there to watch that chick flick with you, that's enough to make you love her again. She'll always be your first best friend.

7. She knows you more than anyone does.

Little sisters have the creepy ability to sense the way you feel. Not only that but she most likely knows your bathroom routine, how loud you snore, where you keep your secret stash of candy bars, and let's not forget, the weird stuff you can only say around her. She's not afraid to tell you exactly what she thinks, and most of the time that's a good thing.

8. You're completely crazy together.

The weirdest and most embarrassing things happen when your little sister is involved. You burp louder and laugh harder than you ever would with anyone else. You talk about things that you keep only between the two of you, because if anyone else heard them they'd think you were bonkers. Then there are those utterly embarrassing secrets you know about each other that you pray stays between yourselves. But if it doesn't you have some great blackmail to show off.

9. You miss each other (a lot).

When you're separated it's like your whole world is coming to an end. Seeing her empty bed makes you feel odd and lonely. Because you spend so much time together her absence causes a hole in your heart that can only be filled when you're together again. The feeling of seeing her home again after being away is one of pure happiness. You're inseparable.

10. She's always there.

No matter how many friends either of you makes, she never forgets who her first best friend was, and that’s you. Little sisters are loyal and they stick by your side for life. Through all the good times and the bad. Most likely when you have some juice to share, you tell her before you tell anyone else. A lot of the time because she's the only one you can tell. You're each others source of comfort and you never fail to make each other feel better. Best friends never come as good as this.

And one to grow on...

Watching her grow up is emotional. Period. You may be growing up together, but seeing her reach for her own dreams and conquer her own fears in everyday life is something that makes you incredibly proud and incedibly sad. As you both get older many things you didn't see when you were younger are now very evident. She had your heart before anyone else did. You've always had a friend. You've never been alone. And most importantly, you could never live without each other.

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