(Don't worry, some of the things us Virgos are guilty of are actually good)
So, first off, happy birthday, Virgo! Everyone knows that we Virgos are special people. We are proud to be loyal, practical and hardworking, while we are a little less proud to be over-critical and easily worried. Our qualities and traits are very specific, making us all guilty of the following:
1. Controlling group projects.
Oops....we just really want them to be good, that's all.
2. Weighing the good and the bad....before every situation.
We're very practical people. We need to make sure that what we are doing makes the most sense for every situation. Whether we are choosing ice cream flavors or what path to take after graduation, we are sure to decide practically with (too) much thought.
3. Overthinking (everything).
And weighing the pros and cons of every situation brings me to this point. We think waaaaaay too much about everything.
4. Not giving up on anything.
Finally....here is one of our good qualities. We don't give up, we are persistent and proud of it.
5. Making sure everything is clean and in its place.
This is a big one. Everything has a place and that is where it should go. Want to give a Virgo a heart attack? Unmake their bed and move around their desk supplies. (I do not advise this as most Virgos will retaliate).
6. Knowing the details of everything.
You know everything about anything: what people were wearing, people's mannerisms, where the last place your friend put down her car keys. Seriously you have an eye for detail, Virgo.
7. Hating on rude people, but hey, they deserve it, right?
Rude people are the worst people. Everyone should have enough decency to use their manners and to be polite.