With being back in school for a few weeks now, I'm sure most of us have already found that sacred seat of ours in class. You know, the one that you sit in every day and it's the 'unspoken rule' to not sit in it until one person decides to screw up the whole order. Let me tell you, those people are truly my favorites.
You would believe that by the college level experience, these children would be more pleasant to be around. To sit in a lecture or classroom (that we have to pay to attend because nothing is every truly free) would be easy to cope with if it weren't for 'those kids.' You know which ones. Sometimes, it might just downright be the class but most of the time I don't go a day of class without wondering "why am I being punished like this?"
Here's a little list of things that'll have you face-palming by the time you reach the end. Happy schooling and may the curves be ever in your favor!
1. When you have a quiz the very first day of taking the course.
2. When you see you still have another 45 minutes before class is over.
3. When the one kid that doesn't use deodorant sits right next to you (in a completely empty row).
First off, do you know basic hygiene? Secondly, why did you have to sit directly next to me, the entire row and the one behind was empty?
4. That one kid that brings their entire lunch to class (and it smells revolting).
Just don't do it. If it smells, eat it outside. I know the feeling of having to rush to class and not eating, believe me, we all do. Don't parade your food around in front of us that didn't bring it to class so it wouldn't be distracting.
5. The kid that has his music blaring from the top of the lecture loud enough the professor can hear it.
No comment necessary.
6. Those kids that explain their "blacked out" state last night and all their bad habits.
7. Those kids that discuss their hook up the night before so everyone will know he/she received "some action."
Do you really kiss your mama with that mouth? Not all of us, frankly, none of us care to hear about your wild college nights. Partially because they remind of us our own and partially because we just don't care.
8. That one kid that sits in your seat half way through the semester.
So help me Lord if this happens again. This is an unspoken rule, you sit where you sat the first day.