Car Girl: A girl who has a noticeable interest in cars and enjoys working on them.
You're either too masculine or you're just thirsty. There's no in between, apparently. A passion for cars is my family tradition. My dad, two of my uncles and my grandpa all worked on a Ford assembly line. My mom used to show cars, and even street raced in her more rebellious teen years. Of course I would love cars, given the way I was raised. However, being a "car girl" is a struggle.
10. You Don't Have A Social Life Because There Are Swap Meets Every Weekend
Growing up, I didn't get to stay over at friend's houses that often. Why? There were swap meets and car shows every Saturday and Sunday that I was forced to attend. These days, I go because I'm actually looking for parts.
9. Every Trip To Walmart Includes Stopping To Flip Through Car Craft And Hot Rod Magazine To Look At Parts Sales
This is a very bad habit of mine. Trying to shove people out of the way so I can look for sales on parts, new leads on parts or even just reading reviews about parts.
8. Manicures Are A Waste Of Money.
Let's just be honest here, there's no point in spending lots of money on a manicure when you're just going to go home, get them greasy and maybe even rip off a few fake nails. Why manicure when you can racecar?
7. Fake Car Girls Make You Want To Gag.
The worst thing in the world is hearing some trashy girl trying to talk about cars just to hook up with different guys. You love cars? Really, do tell me more about this 1963 Javelin with an SS-Cobra Jet engine.
6. Your Tools Go Missing.
You know you set that ratchet down on the work bench yesterday, so where did it go? Oh, wait, one of the guys probably took off with it because they probably didn't think you actually need it.
5. You're Forced To Come Up With Crafty Ways To Protect Your Tools.
The answer is pink tools. No man wants to be seen by his friends with pink tools.
4. A Trip To The Auto Parts Store Usually Includes Upshowing The Kid At The Counter.
I need a set of 8 mm plug wires for a 1968 AMC Javelin. You work at a parts store and you don't know what an AMC is?
3. Trying To Choose Between Makeup or Car Parts.
One of the most difficult decisions there is: to buy makeup that I need, or to buy those headers that I want.
2. Every Article Of Clothing You Own Has Some Stain Acquired By Messing Around On A Car.
Even your church clothes.
1. Boyfriends Tend To Get Jealous Of The Bond Between You And Your Car.
Find a boy who enjoys long, romantic detailing sessions on your car and loves to brag about it too.