10 Signs You Know You're a Broke College Student | The Odyssey Online
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10 Signs You Know You're a Broke College Student


One of the oldest and most accurate clichés: college kids are broke.  

Sure, it makes perfect sense from the outside looking in, but you don't fully realize the extent of being that broke college student until you're destroying your bedroom in search of loose change for the dollar menu.

You've got to spend money to make money, isn't that what they always say? Well, I've never had a mortgage or financed a car, but I struggle to envision a time that's as expensive as these four years we're living in. As if the university isn't already demanding your first-born child for tuition, they jack up the prices on everything from textbooks to parking spaces.

You really start to believe that college is a business when you can't even do your laundry for free. I mean, I'm trying to order t-shirts in four different colors here, people. I can't afford to fork over even more money just to use the printer. Now I'm beginning to understand why old people are always so impressed with college students participating in philanthropy work: we're charity cases ourselves.  Who knew learning could be so expensive?

1. Free food is the most exciting part of any day

It's like flies drawn to honey, literally. We swarm. It doesn't matter when, where, or how, as long as it's free and we can scarf it down like the animals we are.

2. Kid meals are your lifesaver

"Only five dollars? Has this part of the menu always been here?!"

"But wait...is this all I get?"

3.  You log onto your bank's phone app as much as Twitter and Facebook

As depressing as it usually is, this is a frequent daily occurrence for many of us. The worst is those texts they send you when your balance dips below a certain point. Like yes, I am fully aware that I have less than $50 in my account, thanks for reminding me.

4. Coins are not just useless change anymore

Quarters are a hot commodity. Vending machines, parking meters and Laundromats are all very near and dear to the broke college student's heart.  And don't you forget those dimes and nickels, either. No shame in giving exact change. (Save the cash!)

5. Gift cards are like gold

If you are a freshman, you definitely get this concept: anything that isn't your cash or credit card is like Monopoly money. Meal points fly out the window because, at the moment, it basically seems like this magic little card is getting you this food for free. The same goes for gift cards, it's like that meal at Chipotle didn't even count! Who feels poorer now?

6. Zeroes are no stranger to your bank balance

Similar to #3, the broke college student is an all-out war with that heart-breaking little number (it seriously usually is little). It's always a come-to-Jesus moment when you log on and see BALANCE: $00.00.

7. You actually find yourself comparing prices at the grocery store

You used to get so annoyed when your mom did this. Like, hurry it up mom and just pick one. But now, the $1.29 difference between this cereal and that cereal actually makes a difference to you. Wow, we're growing up so fast.

8. You'll sell anything and everything if it means extra money

From clothes to tutoring services, kids are always looking to barter their stuff/skills in exchange for cash. The newest one today is selling your own plasma.  I don't really think it gets much more desperate than that.

9. Going home is like hitting the jackpot

Home-cooked meals (for free) and usually a trip to Wal-Mart (all expenses paid) leave you feeling pretty rich.

10.  Splitting everything is always a good idea

From appetizers to gas, splitting costs with your friends is suddenly the best idea you've ever had. Hey, sharing is caring, right? And being a broke college kid is always a little bit less of a struggle when you're surrounded by people who are just as poor and utterly optimistic as you are.

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