We have all seen the show "Friends" and if you haven't, than we can't be friends. Just kidding, sort of. I may just be the world's biggest fan of "Friends" and if I am not, than my sister is. It's a show that we watch to the end and then restart the season... So please Netflix, never take it away... If you do, my life will be over. Just kidding, sort of. After watching the season over and over again, each time I fall in love with it even more. It's such a great show and what most people don't know or don't notice, is that there is SO many life lessons hidden within the episodes. I could honestly give you an infinite amount of reasons as to why "Friends" is the greatest show out there, but today I will only give you 10.
1. In the very first episode, which was aired in September of 1994, it was mentioned that Ross's marriage was over due to the fact that Carol, his wife (at the time), was a lesbian. I absolutely love this. Not too long ago in 2015, the LGBT community made a break through with gay marriage, but 21 years prior, this show used two characters to show that LOVE IS LOVE. It doesn't matter if it's a male/female relationship, female/female relationship, etc... LOVE IS LOVE. In 1994, in the very FIRST episode of this show, the writers and producers made it known to the world that LOVE IS LOVE.
2. Organic wax is not food.
3. Two things happen in the show that really stick out to me, Phoebe becoming a surrogate mother for her brother and sister-in-law and Monica and Chandler finding out that they cannot conceive. In real life, not everything falls into place perfectly, God has a plan for us that only He can understand. I think it's great that the show shows that sometimes having a baby naturally won't be in the cards BUT THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS. Don't give up if a family if your dream. I can't imagine the pain and heart break of knowing I can't naturally have children however, adoption is such a great thing, being able to give a child a loving home that they deserve and may not have had without you. Having another woman carry your child is okay too, it's not ideal- or I can't imagine, but there is still life being brought into the world. That's such an incredible blessing.
4. Always remember that fire beats everything in rock, paper, scissors, except... Water balloon. I bet you didn't see that coming. Lol.
5. Communication in relationships is very important. In the third season of this show, Ross and Rachel get into an argument where it ends with Rachel saying they should take a break. To Ross this mean a break up, Rachel just meant some time apart. Although, later on in the show the phrase "We were on a break" is played out to be humorous, when you really think about it, it came down to the lack of communication. I can't say that I can side with either Ross or Rachel, on whose right or whose wrong (although even if it was a break up, Ross should not have slept with the girl from the copy place 3 hours afterwards), but just in this one episode you learn that decisions like this, should be talked through, that each partner is on the same page.
6. Y-O-U-R-E means you are, Y-O-U-R means your.
7. Sometimes the people you love, are the people that hurt you the most. Now I know that I have mentioned the relationship between Ross and Rachel quite a bit, but when you have watched the show as much as I have, you actually learn a lot about relationships. As I mentioned earlier about Rachel wanting to take a break and Ross thinking it was a break up, Ross shortly after went and slept with another woman and didn't think about "the trail." When "the trail" was brought to his attention, he did everything in his power to keep it from Rachel instead of telling her the truth. For those of you who have seen this show, you know that Rachel is Ross's lobster, they are meant for each other and share this love and passion that anyone wishes to have, but yet Ross is the one man Rachel thought would never hurt her and still did. People in life never expect the person whom they love the most to hurt them, but it happens. Rachel hurts but she picks herself up. She teaches us to be strong.
8. Spray tans are not for people who count "mississippi-ly."
9. Your friends are your family. Who doesn't want a group of friends like the cast on the show? I know I sure wish I did. The six of them are family, they laugh, love, care and cry together. They have each others backs 100% of the times. Whether it's Joey being a waiter just to have a problem with Monica, everyone supporting Phoebe when she decides to be a surrogate mother, Rachel running out on her and Berry's wedding, to the endless events that happened throughout the 10 seasons. The theme song says "I'll be there for you" and it fits the show to a T, because they are all there for one another.
10. Lastly, when moving furniture, the most effective way is to PIVOT.