New Hampshire is an amazing place with many hidden treasures to be found. No matter what part of the state you visit, or what time of year, there are always things to do. Here are a few reasons why you should love New Hampshire as much as I do:
1. The lakes.
Winnipesaukee, Newfound, Squam, Winnisquam, Silver, Wentworth... and the list goes on. Our family goes to Newfound Lake every summer, and I can easily say that it is the cleanest lake I've ever swam in. Plus, the sunsets across the lake are priceless (peep the article picture).
2. The towns.
Portsmouth, Lincoln, Concord, Hampton, Manchester, Conway and Nashua are some of my favorites. There's always something to do!
3. The people.
Maybe it's just me, but everyone seems so much nicer and happier in New Hampshire. For the 19 years I've vacationed there, I haven't met someone I didn't like. Also, Crocs are a thing there and I love it.
4. Mountains and views.
Monadnock, Lincoln, Washington, Lafayette, Chocorua and Mookilauke are some of the well-known favorites, especially for their views. There's nothing better than reaching the top of the summit and looking over everything below. The views are beautiful.
5. Amusement parks.
Story Land, Santa's Village, Canobie Lake Park, Water Country and Whale's Tale. I can personally say I have been to all of them, and they're all a blast!
6. No sales tax.
Shopping without the extra price to pay. So nice.
7. Every season there is beautiful.
Whether you visit there in the fall, winter, spring or summer, there's always something to do and always pretty sights to look at.
8. Ice cream.
Almost every town in New Hampshire has about two local ice cream shops. No matter where you go, don't skip the after-dinner ice cream trip.
9. Easy-living feel.
There's just something about New Hampshire that provides a feeling like no other. You don't have to try to look nice all the time, you're able to just go hike a mountain and then sit back and relax for the rest of the day. It makes you feel like almost everyone does that and it's normal.
10. Top-notch relaxation.
Nothing better than pulling out the beach chair, sitting down and just taking the sound in of the lake hitting the sand, or the motor boats flying fast around the lake. It's peaceful.
New Hampshire is my ultimate favorite place to go, relax and take in all of its beauty. Venture out there for a vacation sometime, I promise it's worth it!