10 Reasons To Adopt A Pet | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons To Adopt A Pet

At any age a pet provides companionship and great emotional assistance.

10 Reasons To Adopt A Pet

Animals of all sizes and breeds are perfect companions for people of all ages. I always wanted a four-legged buddy when I was younger, but somehow my very first pet ended up being a goldfish (a reasonable choice on the part of my parents). Having a pet from a young age helps to teach responsibility, but more importantly a sense of interdependence. When you care for a new adopted member of the family you quickly learn that they depend on you and you depend on them as well. At any age a pet provides companionship and great emotional assistance. Adopting a pet is a responsible choice as it helps to lessen the burden placed on city shelters and creates an opportunity to not only improve lives, but save lives. Adopting any new member into your family should not be taken lightly because the benefits often come to those who wok the hardest and taking on a new member to take care of will definitely be a serious, but worthy commitment.

1. Adoption Helps Save Lives- Literally

When you adopt- especially from kill shelters you help save a life. If you like to believe that life is precious or simply that it's unethical to support puppy mills this is an excellent option. Animals at kill shelters are often dealt bad luck and are amazing and lovable animals that teach you more about yourself the more effort you put into taking care of them. When you adopt a pet you sign and agree to take care of a lovable creature with a personality of their own. That means understanding that pets just like children and people are effected by their past experiences. Animals left alone in a cage may acclimate immediately and become the center of family joy and attention, while others may take time to adjust and eventually become the reason you actually have guests wanting to visit. Take your time choosing your next family member and I encourage you to look at kill-shelters first.

2. A Pet Creates A Sense of Belonging

Imagine this; it's the end of a long day and you are bummed that you didn't do as well on that last test as you thought. You open the door to your home and are immediately greeted by your group of furriest if not cutest fans that adore you and scamper to the door as soon as your keys are near the front door. Sometimes days are a bit rough, but having a sense of belonging and a connection helps relieve emotional as well as psychological stress. This is your home because it's where you find your family.

3. Responsibility Creates Dependability

Okay, this is not the prettiest or most adorable thing to see, but looking at your clean and adorable new family member definitely makes it worth every scoop. Honestly, it's not the worst because you come to realize that they depend on you and that means that they need your help even though at times they seem perfectly capable of continuing on paying more attention to the squirrels or birds outside than you. When you realize that you are responsible for someone that you care about, it also eventually makes you dependable.

4. You'll Always Have A Lunch Buddy

Put their food bowl right next to yours and call it constant lunch dates. Make sure that whatever you feed them is safe beforehand. Buying their dry and wet food is great, but try and diversify the types to see what they really like. It's always fun to see their reactions, trust me if they like a specific brand of food, they will be there before you even open the can. It's like having the proper lunch buddy that never sat still long enough for you to finish your meal back in elementary school.

5. You Tend To Behave Like Each Other

Who else to better complete those Sunday yoga vibes with than your adorable new family member? Your routine sometimes becomes their routine whether it's your awful late night habits on the computer or studying in the afternoon. Adopting a pet is kind of like a training for marriage because the saying what's yours is mine definitely applies. Doing homework... prepare for some furry assistants who could care less what Shakespeare said because they already agree with the paper you have yet to write.

6. Loyalty..What Else is More Valuable?

Loyalty is earned through time and effort. Adopting a pet means committing yourself to growing a relationship where there has to be a large amount of trust between both pup and person. They are extremely intelligent and can often times tell before you can if that new friend of yours is as awesome as they seem. For centuries people have had animals as our companions from low risk to high risk outings. Loyalty is one of the most precious things a person can experience and such dedication can only occur when both partners trust each other.

7. It's A Permanent Sleepover With Your Best Friend

All your friends have left for the night, but your still dying to watch that new episode. No worries, Lucky has already claimed his favorite seat and is ready for you to press play. Unlike your people friends, you don't have to feel awkward when Lucky falls asleep on the sofa because this buddy lives here too and doesn't need a Lyft to be ordered after the show.

8. If You Thought Cat Videos Were Funny- Meet The Real Deal

These little buddies seem to believe they can conquer the world and I for one agree that they definitely have the capabilities. With their cute little meows and devious ways each of them has an attitude definitely their own and if you are lucky enough to adopt one with real character just roll with it- no I mean literally take out your camera and get a video because not only do they make terrifying offensive tackles, but they are also great at cat-burglary and many other great paying careers.

9. Unconditional Love

Love without any conditions is rare and difficult to find, but somehow these little family members tend to understand this meaning better than we do. When you open up and allow these lovable new members into your home they don't say that they demand a new phone or purse to continue loving you because that type of love is shallow and based on conditions. The love that these little buddies offer holds no conditions and is beautiful all on its own.


These buddies become part of the family and only after having the pleasure of experiencing such a connection can you really understand how special and different they are. If financials are an issue, but you really love animals and view them as family then check close to Black Friday. Some animal centers around this time have special offers in attempts to find homes for animals due to shelter over-crowding combined with a lack of funding. These buddies are literally the family that you choose and make sure you are really ready for such a responsibility.
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