1. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
I don't need to explain how awesome that would be.
2. Obama's dogs
Cutest. President. Ever.
3. Danny Devito
He tells it like it is as well...but better..
4. The girl that told me to, "have a good day" at Dunkin' Donuts.
Because America Runs on Dunkin'.
5. Jimmy Fallon
He is for the people. Fallon and the Rock should run together honestly.
6. The Hulk
ISIS wouldn't stand a chance.
7. The grilled cheese I ate for lunch today
Because I've eaten bread smarter than most politicians.
8. Riley Curry
Because who could say no to her?
9. The dog I saw on my way to work today
Again: Cutest. President. Ever.
10. The Chipotle burrito I'm gonna get tomorrow probably
Because duh.
Good Luck America #EveryoneSucks2016