Everyone is well aware of the signs that you are in the beginnings of a fun healthy relationship. Most like to refer to it as the "honeymoon" phase. But, what happens after that "honeymoon" phase? Where do things go from there? I can tell you one thing, it's not how most of cinematic world portrays it. In fact, it's not too glamorous to those who aren't actively involved in it. Those who are, however, cherish every nitty gritty, nasty, freakish part of it. I for one don't want to be involved in a relationship that is so high strung that you feel it needs to be a fairytale, I'll take "Netflix and chill" over that any day. Here are your 10 odd signs that you are in a healthy, comfortable relationship.
1. You wear groutfits on the regular.
You no longer care what you are wearing, you just want to be comfortable. And what's not to love about a groutift.
2. Bodily function are no longer foreign territory.
Everybody does it. The sooner you stop denying it the healthier your body will be along with your relationship. Do yourself a favor.3. You say "I hate you" more than "I love you."
Believe it or not, it's a term of endearment.
4. You call each others parents "mom" and "dad."
They will be on the phone with their parents are you will say "Hi mom!" or "Hi dad". Trust me, it will happen no matter how close they are to actually being mom and dad.
5. Tickle fights turn into full blown WWE matches.
Someone will eventually get hurt, and you will promise to never get into a tickle fight again. You will, however get into a tickle fight the next day and someone's nose will get broken.
6. You make horrible movie references and impersonations.
You just do embarrassing things around each other, and that is why you work out.7. You grab extra napkins for your SO because they are messy AF.
They will know that you can eat a cheeseburger and drive at the same time without spilling. If they grab you extra napkins, they are a keeper. It's the little things.
8. You slowly take over their room.
You might want to ask for your own drawer, otherwise your clothes will cover their entire floor.
9. You start picking up their mannerisms.
If they pronounce the word perfect like puuuuuuurrrrrrfect.... you will start doing that. You will hear yourself saying it and will think to yourself "OMG.... I am turing into him."
10. You communicate strictly through GIFs.
Why use words when the internet provides you with funny videos of animals.
All in all, you are both weird and you have accepted each other for it. The weirder your relationship is, the healthier it is and the happier you will be. So you keep doing you.