College packing can be stressful. Wherever you turn, it seems like there is another thing to add to the list. Whether it's packing up your school supplies or trying to fit all of your shoes in two bins, it's easy to forget some little things that will help you tremendously once you've settled into your dorm.
1. A vacuum
Preferably not a hand vacuum that will break within the first month of college.
2. A tool box
Or, at least, a few tools. You never know when you'll need a hammer or a screwdriver, just try not to damage the room.
3. Cleaning supplies
It's easy to forget that you need to clean your room in between going to class, going out and sleeping. But for your own good, and for the good of otherse, please clean your room.
4. Command Hooks
Okay, so this one might be a little more obvious. However, you can never have enough command hooks. Like, ever.
5. A safe
Or at least something to lock your valuables. At least before you know exactly who you're living with, whether that be in your room or on your floor, it's good to protect those things that are worth a little bit more.
6. Umbrella and raincoat
Don't be that person who gets caught in that October thunderstorm on your way to class and walks in soaking wet. It's not fun for anyone, especially you.
You're not going to have the energy to walk to the dining hall every day for every meal. After a while, there's a good chance that you will get sick of the food. I suggest having a supply of microwave popcorn and ramen noodles close at hand.
8. Closet curtains
It may not be your first thought when moving in, but it's nice to have your clothes a little bit hidden when you're having people over. It prevents you from having unwanted strangers looking through your clothes and will give your dorm a little more style.
9. Extension cords/ Power strips
You have a lot of electronics, and not a lot of outlets. Power strips will save you when you need to charge your phone, laptop, and Apple Watch while having your three lamps and hair dryer plugged in.
10. An air mattress/sleeping bag.
You'll never know who is going to end up sleeping on your floor after a long night. It's helpful when your friends come to visit for the weekend or when someone down the hall is having trouble with their roommate. In any case, it's nicer than sleeping on a floor.