10 Ideas For Your Summer Bucket List | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ideas For Your Summer Bucket List

To make this summer the best one yet.

10 Ideas For Your Summer Bucket List

Well, you've done it -- you've made it through two more semesters of blood, sweat, and tears (and some unforgettable times, too). For some of you, seasonal internships, studying abroad, and part-time jobs make it hard to believe that this summer will be anything remotely close to a break. As for the rest of you, you can't wait to get home, crash on the couch, and be able to do one thing:

n o t h i n g.

...but what happens when you can only do absolutely nothing for so long? Here's a bucket list of some ideas to keep you from going mad over boredom, and to make this summer one for the books.

1. Go to a concert.

OK, so I know that a lot of us college kids don't always have the extra cash to splurge on some concert tickets. If you do, awesome! But if not, a lot of towns have free (or at least very affordable) events with bands and good vibes. Grab some of your best buds and make it a memorable summer evening.

2. Festivals, fairs, and carnivals.

Summer is the perfect time to find a festival or fair within driving distance. The Lilac Festival in Rochester, New York is always the perfect place to wind down with some free music, carnival food, games, and gorgeous scenery. If your town lacks in this area of entertainment, try branching out of the area. You never know what you might find.

3. Road trips.

This leads me into the spontaneous (and sometimes cliché) idea of taking a road trip. Whether you're with family or friends, driving around together can actually make for some of the best memories. Even if you have no idea where to go, make a game out of it and take exits until you find a new place to go to.

4. Read.

As mundane as this sounds, it's actually super important. Students often miss out on catching a chance to read (leisurely) during the semester amid their workload. Curling up with a good book and the sunshine can be one of the most relaxing ways to pass the time.

5. Go hiking.

It doesn't matter if you're a nature-lover or not. Hiking can be a great way to expand your outer horizons and get away from technology for a bit. If it hasn't been your cup of tea in the past, you might be surprised at how you feel about it now. Some of the views that you can find while hiking are some of the most breathtaking sights to behold.

6. Plan a day devoted to your favorite activities with your friends.

Going off to college is a bittersweet time for every college student, especially when you and your best friends all decided to take separate paths. Take a day off together to do some of your favorite things. Be a little bit nostalgic, and do something together that you haven't done since high school.

7. Family time.

I don't care who you are, spending time with your family isn't "lame," especially when you've been away from them for so long. Choose to participate in a family night. If you have siblings, take a break from screens and do something fun to catch up on life.

8. Save your money... or don't.

One phrase: Treat yo' self. If you want to save your pennies for that car you've had your eye on, then do it! But if you want to have a night out and spend some cash, that's OK, too. (I won't tell your bank account.)

9. Start a new hobby.

Summer is the perfect time to start up a cool, new hobby that you've been wanting to try forever. Whether it's learning an instrument, writing a book, or trying out some nifty DIY videos you've pinned on Pinterest, this is the time to do so.

10. Venture out of your comfort zone.

All too often, we tend to confine ourselves within the walls of where we feel comfortable because that's where we feel the safest. Break out of those boundaries this summer, and do things that you would never ordinarily do. Meet new people, try new foods, have crazy nights, and even dance on tables if the moment is right.

Of course, feel free to add whatever else you find fitting to your ultimate summer college bucket list. Just make sure that, whatever you decide to do, you make this summer the best one yet. This is your time -- take advantage of it.

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