A lot of people will write about their experiences in high school. What they did there and how they matured. Just think about it though, what about before that? What happened during that period before you walked through those doors on your first day of freshman year? Yes, that's right, I'm referring to those middle school years. Back in the day, you were awkward. That's okay though because everyone was! We all went through puberty during those years, at all different times. Now, you look back and ask yourself, "how did I ever let myself look like that?" Then, you deny the reality of your immaturity when you were in middle school by stating, "I was never like that," when comparing your young self to the kids now. Things were easier then because your parents were responsible for your success, just as much as they were responsible for your failures. So what exactly was it like back then?
1. You always participated in events when it came to the big Seneca Vs. Iroquois rivalry.
No crazy themed football or basketball games filled with dust clouds of baby powder for the student section like in high school. Just show up in your school spirit wear that your parents bought you at meet the teacher night! Don't forget to mark your agenda for the last football game of the year that took place under the lights at Dakota.
2. The big issue, that was known as, assigned seats at lunch.
You hated having to be confined to one seat at one table for the whole quarter. Yet, in high school, you were basically free to sit where ever you wanted to but you can't deny that you still gravitated toward the same table with the same people every day!
3. If you went to Seneca, choir was a big deal.
Who could forget those solid color shirts or the $1 practice CD you had to buy before every concert? Oh, and for the girls, the pressure to wear stage make-up was real. If you didn't have your mom show you what to do then chances are you looked like a clown. Actually, you looked like a clown regardless because you insisted on matching your eye shadow to your shirt.
4. Those class trips out of state were some of your first experiences traveling alone.
Spending a night in a hotel room with no adults and your best friends was crazy! No one listened to the lights out rule, even though you should have.
5. Wearing feathers in your hair was a must for girls.
They were outrageously expensive. It cost your mom $15 per feather and of course one wasn't enough. Thanks mom!
6. Back then, $20 felt like what $100 feels like now.
Every Friday or Saturday afternoon, you'd ask your parents for money to go see a movie at Partridge Creek. Little did you know, there was much more important things to save and invest that money into. Such as things like make-up from Sephora, gas, food, and college!
7. No license meant your parents had to drive you everywhere.
There was always that friend that forgot to ask their parents to pick him or her up and made your parents have to drive both ways when they only planned on just driving you there. They told you to never let it happen again. Then, they were mad when it did, oops. You blamed it on your friend, even though you both knew you never had a ride home before you even got to where you were going.
8. Middle school relationships were everything and more.
Dates to Lakeside and Partridge Creek were so romantic! Especially when your friends and his friends tagged along! Things didn't go well when he hugged your friend before you! He broke your little 12 year old heart with one hug.
9. The hangout was Scoop And Twist.
It was everyone's favorite place to chill. Who could forget the Wall of Fame which the workers would plaster pictures of you and your friends on so you could see yourself every time you came back for a cone. Now friends visit and use your awkward picture from those days on the wall to remind you that your, "glo up" was and is very real.