So exciting, yet so stressful all at the same time. Here is a compilation of the many emotions move in day tends to bring about.
1. Driving through campus again: excitement
2. Seeing your roommates: the BEST
3. Two words while unloading the car: stress & sweat
4. Unpacking and putting everything away: kind of fun, but overwhelming
5. Getting your room all set up: YAY YAY YAY
6. Saying goodbye to your family: SO SO SO SAD
7. Meeting everyone on your hall: exciting and fun
8. Random bursts of tears about being away from your family and home: still SO SAD
9. Meeting up with all of your best friends again: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD
10. At the of the day, thinking about all of the amazing things to come this year: priceless
I am ready for another great year at the school I love most: 2016 to 2017 school year, here we go!