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10 Disney Park Backpack Essentials

Don't forget these essentials for your next magical visit!

Personal Photo
Berenice Hernandez

Last week I have had the most magical time in Walt Disney World along with some of my great friends. Going to the parks is amazing all on its own but there are some essential things that I was glad I brought.

In the parks, you are allowed to bring backpacks to haul around any personal belongings you may want to bring. Prior to arriving at the park, I made sure to pack some things that I thought would be essential to bring to three of the parks.

Check out the list of some of the things I packed below:

Hand sanitizer

Having hand sanitizer on you will be a lifesaver any time you need to wash your hands but are stuck in a 30-minute wait for a ride. No one likes to have sticky hands, let alone dirty hands. Personally, I like to keep a mini one that I'm able to latch on to my pack as a key chain.

A pack of tissues

You never know when you may need to blow your nose or clean off your hands.

Advil/Allergy meds

Walking through the parks, I walked an average of 8 miles at each park. Walking can really take a toll on your feet and legs if you are not used to doing so much. Carrying Advil or any other pain medicine can help with the soreness. Also, if you're like me, sometimes allergies hit me out of nowhere. Having allergy medicine in hand will assure me that my day won't be ruined by constant sneezing.


Don't forget that Florida is the Sunshine State!


Wearing a hat protects your face from the sun while also keeping your face cool.

Refillable water bottle

While you can find many water fountains throughout the parks, it's handy to have a bottle you can refill at any water station. In the heat of the summer, you don't want to get stuck in a long line and not have access to water.

Portable phone charger

Being in the Disney parks for 10+ hours can take a toll on your phone battery, especially if you use it a lot to take videos or pictures. Having a portable phone charger or battery pack will assure that you can still get those Instagram-worthy pics.


It's no surprise that food in the parks can be rather pricey. Packing light snacks, like granola bars, will keep the hunger at bay and will let you save your hunger for the bigger meals, ultimately saving you big bucks.


Did you really go to Disney World if it didn't rain? Every time I have gone, there is at least one day where we get rained on. Ponchos are light and reusable so it makes for good protection from some rain showers.

Your phone

While this one is a no-brainer, I'm mostly referring to the Disney Parks app. This app can be downloaded onto your phone and while on the app, you can get fast passes, place a mobile order at a quick-dine place, look up wait times for rides, and more! This is your key to finding your way throughout the park.

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